Optimization based control of non-holonomic systems
For setup:
For deploy:
ros2 run optimal_control planner.py
ros2 launch limo_simulation limo.launch.py
Closed: mean, variance of time taken to traverse from (0, 0) to points ranging from (-10, -10) to (10, 10)
feas: 0.07845346485260771 0.014564721790217018
min_jerk: 0.3625517959183673 0.49373335906611254
Forward: mean, variance of time taken to traverse from (0, 0) to points ranging from (-10, -10) to (10, 10)
feas: 0.09625590702947845 0.09453448430218862
min_jerk: 0.4514233968253968 0.9096550141537358