
[[ 🔷 Mirrored from Azure DevOps 🔷]] Build a FastAPI application to generate scripts to install various packages for MacOS, Linux and WinOS.

Primary LanguagePython

UoW Backend App

This project provides a way to download installation scripts for your projects. This will create a shell script (.sh) or a configuration file (.config) to be run on your machine. This application provides a simplified and abstracted RESTful API that can be easily consumed by the UoW Frontend App1.


This repository was created within Azure DevOps and is now being mirrored to this GitHub repository. Source of truth will always be the Azure DevOps repository. Furthermore, this repository is a proof of concept for creating various scripts for MacOS / WinOS and has not been fully implemented so YMMV.


More work needs to be completed for the final version of the application. Below are additional things required for a clearer vision of what is envisioned of this application.

Implement Authentication

Require all API requests to be authenticated via Azure Active Directory (AAD). There is various libraries that offer the capability of configuring authentication for AAD. The chosen library, should allow for setting required scopes to access an endpoint e.g. scopes=['user'], if the user does not have this scope a HTTP status of 403 Forbidden will be returned.

Script(s) to uninstall / remove packages

In the same way a user is able to request a script to be generated, containing all their packages needed for a project, another should be provided to remove and uninstall everything. Allowing for fresh installs on new projects etc.

Getting Started

Project structure

├── app                  # "app" is a Python package
│   ├── __init__.py      # this file makes "app" a "Python package"
│   ├── main.py          # "main" module, e.g. import app.main
│   └── routers          # "routers" is a "Python subpackage"
│      ├── __init__.py  # makes "routers" a "Python subpackage"
│      └── dashboard.py     # "dashboard" submodule, e.g. import app.routers.dashboard
│      └── notifications.py    # "notifications" submodule, e.g. import app.routers.notifications
│      └── projects.py     # "projects" submodule, e.g. import app.routers.projects
│      └── setting.py     # "setting" submodule, e.g. import app.routers.setting
│      └── user.py     # "user" submodule, e.g. import app.routers.user


  1. Install python packages used for the service
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  2. Run the FastAPI server, which will run on port 8000
    python app/main.py
    Endpoint documentation are available on


Unit tests are located in /tests directory.

Deploy on Azure Web App

The easiest way to deploy the Next.js app is to use the Azure Web App, this project has been configured to automatically deploy changes made to the master branch to an environment variable, see /azure-pipeline/azure-pipelines.yml the following variables are required to be set.

Pipeline variables

Variable Description Default value Required?
azureSubscription The Azure Subscription that contains the Azure Web App N/A Yes
projectPoolName The azure agent pool that the job will run on N/A Yes
pythonStartUpCommand The start-up command to start the next.js web application gunicorn -w 4 -k uvicorn.workers.UvicornWorker app.main:app No
webAppName The name of the created Azure Web App N/A Yes

Checkout Deploy to App Service using Azure Pipelines for more details.


  1. My Azure DevOps organisation / project is private, NextJS repository is mirrored here in GitHub. ↩