- 2
Show tab list for each window in Winger popup
#50 opened by antrmn - 4
[Request] Add some kind of heuristic for shortening names displayed on the Winger button
#27 opened by supersaiyansubtlety - 1
Custom windows ordering
#52 opened by EcksD33 - 2
[BUG] Winger forgets "stash home" folder on Firefox restart and creates a new empty one.
#54 opened by mkalinski - 6
[Request] stash improvements
#10 opened by supersaiyansubtlety - 3
Switch not working in KDE Plasma
#37 opened by fjavifabre - 4
[Feature Request] Stash to the top of home folder
#44 opened by sonbua - 2
- 1
- 0
Show stashed windows in popup
#51 opened by antrmn - 17
- 0
[Request] add a 'pin' to the Winger menu to keep it open when you're doing multiple actions at a time
#47 opened by mcgrue - 0
- 1
[Feature Request] Configurable delay before unloading tabs in minimized windows
#32 opened by mikelei8291 - 7
Blank window names in Winger
#41 opened by ppatel-gh - 1
- 2
feature request: custom window accent colors
#30 opened by boldcompany - 6
- 3
Restart button missing, but still needed.
#38 opened by wayland - 5
What's new in 2.5.0?
#40 opened by jclark-dot-org - 4
- 1
Stashing intermittently works
#39 opened by loopernow - 2
Stashing no longer works
#36 opened by mkalinski - 2
- 5
Multiple open windows, especially ones named by Winger, failing to re-open after quitting and re-starting browser
#21 opened by mlncn - 2
Question: Is it possible to set one of the windows as the default to open links from other applications?
#29 opened by ultrablue - 1
[Request] new stash location: "Tab Stash"
#24 opened by AeliusSaionji - 1
Windows listed with "(no name)" on Mac
#19 opened by doychi - 0
Having a big enough number of windows slows browser down, even with tab unloading
#25 opened by l10nelw - 9
New minimized window group header would cover the first window list item if all other windows were minimized
#23 opened by mikelei8291 - 3
Ctrl+Shift+Click link to open in other window
#22 opened by saluto - 3
- 4
- 6
[Req] Automatically Minimize Previous Window
#18 opened by TooSpooky - 0
Session Restore extensions not restoring names
#20 opened by l10nelw - 14
Unstashing folders no longer works
#15 opened by mkalinski - 2
Toolbar icon window name overlay issue
#14 opened by BenceSzalai - 1
Question: Is there a way to backup manually?
#8 opened by aroute - 2
[Request] Send to new window
#12 opened by spire-carlos - 1
- 1
- 1
[Request] More shortcuts
#9 opened by supersaiyansubtlety - 3
Closed windows not removed from context menu
#6 opened by iwconfig - 10
- 1
Cannot move pinned tabs
#3 opened by chriscz - 1