
Real-time Mobile Car Pose Estimation with CoreML

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

Real-time Mobile Car Pose Estimation with CoreML

🚨NOTE 🚨 Requires GitLFS

If you get build errors this might be the issue.
Make sure the CarPoseModel.mlmodel is 5.2mb otherwise it has not been downloaded.

Small demo of real-time car pose estimation using CoreML trained with synthetic data.

We used Unity to generate the sythetic car dataset, read more about the project here.


This model was only trained to handle a specific car model from a fixed viewing distance + angle range. It does work on similar car models, but the pose fit won't match up in 3d space as well.

Requires GitLFS to download OpenCV framework.

Snapshot of the Unity project:


This project was created by Laan Labs. We design and build solutions at the intersection of Computer Vision and Augmented Reality.




CarPoseDemo is released under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details.