
OpenTracing Wavefront Tracer Bundle

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Table of Content

Welcome to the Wavefront Java Tracing Agent

The Wavefront Java Tracing Agent provides application observability. No code changes are required.

The Wavefront Java Tracing Agent includes:

  • The Java OpenTracing SpecialAgent, which automatically instruments Java applications with traces.
  • The Wavefront OpenTracing Bundle (implemented in this repository), which sends the tracing data to Wavefront.

Before you start implementing, let us make sure you are using the correct SDK!

Java Tracing Agent Decision Tree


Wavefront SDKs

SDK Type SDK Description Supported Languages
OpenTracing SDK Implements the OpenTracing specification. Lets you define, collect, and report custom trace data from any part of your application code.
Automatically derives Rate Errors Duration (RED) metrics from the reported spans.
Metrics SDK Implements a standard metrics library. Lets you define, collect, and report custom business metrics and histograms from any part of your application code.
Framework SDK Reports predefined traces, metrics, and histograms from the APIs of a supported app framework. Lets you get started quickly with minimal code changes.
Sender SDK Lets you send raw values to Wavefront for storage as metrics, histograms, or traces, e.g., to import CSV data into Wavefront.


  • Java 7 or above.
  • Download the latest version of the Java OpenTracing SpecialAgent to your application's directory.

Setup Steps

Follow the steps given below:

  1. You can configure the Tracer parameters using any of the following methods.

    • Create a file named tracer.properties in the application's directory and use the following template to configure the properties.

      This file is used to configure your Wavefront Tracer instance for reporting and to configure tags specific to the application.


      # Required application tags
      # Optional application tags
      # Reporting through direct ingestion
      # Reporting with a Wavefront proxy
    • Configure the parameters by overriding the existing parameters using system properties.


      java -cp:$MYCLASSPATH:wavefront-opentracing-bundle-java.jar \
          -Dwf.service=MyOtherService \
    • Configure the Tracer parameters via YAML files. You need two YAML files:

      The paths to these YAML files need be specified in tracer.properties or as system properties:

      Example: Define the paths to the YAML files via System properties.

      java -cp:$MYCLASSPATH:wavefront-opentracing-bundle-java.jar \
          -Dwf.applicationTagsYamlFile=application-tags.yaml \
          -Dwf.reportingConfigYamlFile=wf-reporting-config.yaml \

      Note: The parameters configured via tracer.properties or system properties override the parameters configured via YAML files.

  2. Attach the Java OpenTracing SpecialAgent to your application and send traces to Wavefront by adding -Dsa.tracer=wavefront. For more information, see the Java OpenTracing SpecialAgent's documentation.

    Note: The Wavefront OpenTracing Bundle is included with v1.4.1 and above of the Java OpenTracing SpecialAgent, so you no longer need the Wavefront OpenTracing Bundle JAR.


    java -javaagent:opentracing-specialagent-1.4.1.jar \
        -Dsa.tracer=wavefront \
        -Dwf.service=myService \
        -jar MyService.jar


Wavefront Tracer parameters use the prefix wf.:

Parameter Description
wf.application Name that identifies your application. Use the same value for all microservices in the same application.
wf.service Name that identifies the microservice within your application. Use a unique value for each microservice.
wf.cluster Name of a group of related hosts that serves as a cluster or region in which the application will run.
wf.shard Name of a subgroup of hosts within a cluster.
wf.customTags Tags specific to your application, formatted as a delimited string of key-values. For example, tagKey1,tagVal1,tagKey2,tagVal2
wf.customTagsFromEnv Environment variables to load as tags, formatted as a delimited string of environment variable names to load values from and tag keys to map to. For example, envVarName1,tagKey1,envVarName2,tagKey2
wf.customTagsDelimiter Delimiter for wf.customTags. Default is ,
wf.reportingMechanism direct or proxy. Sending data directly to Wavefront is the simplest way to get up and running quickly, whereas using a Wavefront proxy is the recommended choice for a large-scale deployment.
wf.server URL for your Wavefront instance, typically https://myCompany.wavefront.com
wf.token String produced by obtaining an API token. You must have Direct Data Ingestion permission when you obtain the token.
wf.proxyHost String name or IP address of the host on which you set up the Wavefront proxy.
wf.proxyMetricsPort Proxy port to send metrics to. Recommended value is 2878. Must match the value set for pushListenerPorts= in wavefront.conf.
wf.proxyDistributionsPort Proxy port to send histograms to. Recommended value is 2878. Must match the value set for histogramDistListenerPorts= in wavefront.conf.
wf.proxyTracingPort Proxy port to send trace data to. Recommended value is 30000. Must match the value set for traceListenerPorts= in wavefront.conf.
wf.source String that represents where the data originates -- typically, the host name of the machine running the microservice.
wf.disableSpanLogReporting Optional. If true, disable the reporting of span logs to Wavefront.
wf.applicationTagsYamlFile Optional. Path of the YAML file that configures application tags.
wf.reportingConfigYamlFile Optional. Path of the YAML file that configures Wavefront reporting.

Instrumenting a Java Based Container

You can instrument a Java-based container using the OpenTracing Special Agent. For more information, see Container Instrumentation.