
kdmB-ecoA-rpdA-sntB chromatin modification complex ChIPseq data analysis

Primary LanguageR

KdmB-EcoA-RpdA-SntB (KERS) chromatin complex ChIPseq data analysis

KERS is a tetrameric nucleosome remodelling complex in the filamentous fungus Aspergillus nidulans that is composed of the H3K4 histone demethylase KdmB, a cohesin acetyltransferase (EcoA), a histone deacetylase (RpdA) and a reader protein (SntB). This repository has the scripts related to KERS ChIPseq data analysis.

Required tools for data analysis

A. nidulans AnnotationHub packages like org.db, TxDb and BSgenome

## org.db
  upgrade = "never")
## TxDb
  upgrade = "never")
## BSgenome
  upgrade = "never")

R package chipmine with utility functions for ChIPseq data management and processing

chipmine is under active development. For the analysis involving current manuscript, chimpine from branch KERS_paper was used.

devtools::install_github(repo = "lakhanp1/chipmine", ref = "KERS_paper")

Data processing

All the ChIPseq data was processed as per steps mentioned in fungal ChIPseq data processing workflow of Koon Ho Wong lab.

Data Availability

NCBI SRA data: ChIPseq raw data is deposited to NCBI SRA Bioproject PRJNA591094.

UCSC genome browser tracks: All the normalized bigWig tracks for ChIPseq data are made available on UCSC genome browser and can be accessed using link https://genome-asia.ucsc.edu/s/lakhanp1/A.%20nidulans%20KERS