Backlog Rework and Project Update
Opened this issue · 14 comments
Miguel-Alves commented
The current status of Project Backlog is way different from the actual stage of Software, in a way that it does not trully reflect the work that needs to be done. So, We identified the urgent need of reworking and updating the entire Backlog.
We are going to review carefully every registered open issue to verify it's accuracy;
Run the project to find bugs or others inconscistencies;
And register every update on new issues, to make it clear the work that is being done;
- Review carefully every registered open issue;
- Run the project to find bugs or others inconscistencies;
- Register every update on new issues;
Acceptance criteria
- Every registered open issue reviewed;
mansogf commented
Miguel-Alves commented
AmandaMuniz commented
luderibeiro commented
KalebeLopes commented
FranciscoHeronildo commented
I am currently reviewing issues #144
AmandaMuniz commented
The issue #24 was checked on Feb 24 and was closed the same day.
leticiaarj commented
Miguel-Alves commented
Miguel-Alves commented
Issue #151 was maintained, although it is a redundant work;
Miguel-Alves commented
Miguel-Alves commented
Miguel-Alves commented
Miguel-Alves commented