- 6
Disable delete button when utter has a single balloon
#150 opened by rodmaia - 6
- 8
Handle API errors on the frontend
#152 opened by rodmaia - 1
Create Unit tests for backend
#171 opened by AmandaMuniz - 7
Ignore empty questions when inserting/editing intents
#145 opened by rodmaia - 1
Configuration problem breaks dev environment
#157 opened by Miguel-Alves - 3
Remove empty balloons when inserting/editing utters
#144 opened by rodmaia - 0
Clean code and SOLID application in frontend tests
#176 opened by leticiaarj - 0
Apply S.O.L.I.D and Clean Code (Back-end)
#180 opened by mansogf - 1
Apply SOLID principles and Clean Code
#178 opened by AmandaMuniz - 1
Create CI (back-end)
#168 opened by mansogf - 1
Create CI (front-end)
#170 opened by mansogf - 1
Create Unit tests for backend
#156 opened by leticiaarj - 1
Backend docker failing
#169 opened by leticiaarj - 8
Remove all LAPPIS and TAIS info from code
#149 opened by rodmaia - 3
Configurar CI/CD
#95 opened by victorcmoura - 1
Create Unit tests for the frontend
#155 opened by leticiaarj - 2
Front-end docker failing
#165 opened by mansogf - 1
Review README info
#148 opened by rodmaia - 3
Create database-to-file parsers
#100 opened by rodrigocam - 14
Backlog Rework and Project Update
#153 opened by Miguel-Alves - 2
Exported files are invalid
#142 opened by rodmaia - 5
Write tests
#146 opened by rodmaia - 4
Bug campo de filtro no Chrome
#122 opened by rodmaia - 3
Melhorar navegação via teclado
#114 opened by rodmaia - 4
Edit name utter
#119 opened by EzequielDeOliveira - 1
Group content by topic
#115 opened by rodmaia - 1
- 1
- 3
Confirmar ao apagar intents, utters e stories
#113 opened by rodmaia - 1
Dialog list is not updated after certain operations
#128 opened by rodmaia - 5
Save button is disabled on valid cases
#143 opened by rodmaia - 1
- 0
- 0
Fix scrolling of main content areas
#98 opened by rodmaia - 2
Certificado inválido API
#96 opened by victorcmoura - 0
Revisar msgs de texto
#124 opened by rodmaia - 0
Fixar mensagens de erro na edição de story
#112 opened by rodmaia - 0
- 2
- 2
Create webhook listener on Bot
#99 opened by rodrigocam - 0
Apply visual style to the Intents page
#80 opened by rodmaia - 0
Suggest new stories
#116 opened by rodmaia - 1
Implement API solution to story management
#88 opened by victorcmoura - 0
Transfer all sorting from the frontend to the API
#84 opened by ednunes - 0
Review the need for IDs in utter texts
#83 opened by EzequielDeOliveira - 0
Bug: API does note execute operations
#85 opened by ednunes - 1
Improve API labels
#78 opened by rodmaia - 0
Refine visual style on the Utters page
#79 opened by rodmaia - 0
BUG: Utter page keeps unsaved state
#86 opened by rodmaia