
GDB support for republishing ROS messages in an rr replay

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


GDB support for republishing ROS messages in an rr replay


Be sure to have installed the newest build of rr and GDB compiled with Python 2 by following the instructions from here.

Setting up

  1. Clone this repository into e.g. your home folder:

    git clone https://github.com/larics/gdb_ros_publisher
  2. Add the following to .gdbinit in your home directory. If you cloned the repository elsewhere, adjust the paths accordingly.

    define ros_publisher_setup
      source ~/gdb_ros_publisher/GdbPublisherNode.py
      source ~/gdb_ros_publisher/RunGdbPublisherNode.py
      source ~/gdb_ros_publisher/gdb_ros_publisher_setup
  3. If necessary, customize the RunGdbPublisherNode.py file.

    1. Additional topics and message types can be set up by adding additional instances of GdbPublisher to the GdbPublisherDictionary instance. The class is constructed as follows:

      GdbPublisher(topic, msgtype, queue_size = 1)

      The arguments of the constructor are:

      • topic, string – topic name, without the leading slash
      • msgtype – a ROS message class type
      • queue_size, integer – ROS publisher queue size, optional (default: 1)
    2. Build the helper library for intercepting message publication:

      g++ -shared -fPIC -o gdb_ros_publisher_helper.so  -I /opt/ros/$ROS_DISTRO/include -g gdb_ros_publisher_helper.cpp

      Tell rr to inject this library into your node:

      rr record --env=LD_PRELOAD=/home/user/gdb_ros_publisher/gdb_ros_publisher_helper.so  <node and arguments>...


  1. Run a roscore server and start a gdb debugging session (rr replay). Useful options are -M (mark event numbers) and -k (keeps listening, useful for using with an IDE).
  2. Call the ros_publisher_setup command in the gdb shell.

Afterwards, you can use the gdb commands enable ros_publisher and disable ros_publisher to enable/disable publishing (as with all gdb commands, you can use abbreviations, for example ena ros and dis ros).

Additional resources and tutorials



Details on Python gdb programming (advanced)

Adding additional message publishing breakpoints

The included breakpoint in gdb_ros_publisher_helper.cpp should be enough to catch all published messages. To add a new message publishing breakpoint, add a new GdbMessageBreakpoint instance to the breakpoints list. The constructor has the following prototype:

        GdbMessageBreakpoint(location, context_extractor = lambda: {})

The arguments of the constructor are:

  • location, string – location in the source code from where the message will be extracted (it has to be completely initialized and ready for publishing at this point in the source code)
  • context_extractor, lambda function which returns a dictionary – this function is executed every time the breakpoint is reached, and computes a dictionary with extracted message variables. The following keys can be specified (all are optional, and default behavior is adapted for a breakpoint void ros::Publication::publish(const M &message)):
    • serialized_variable, gdb.Value– the variable with the serialized message
    • topic, string – the topic on which the message is published; it has to match the topic in the appropriate GdbPublisher. The default behavior is to look up the topic name from the this->name_ string, where this is the ros::Publication instance from invocation of ros::Publisher::publish()
    • latch, boolean - whether the topic is latched, by default obtained from this->latch_ in ros::Publication

Writing value extractors for variables

You can use the methods in the gdb module when writing variable extractors. Don't forget that they need to be inside a lambda function when instancing a publishing breakpoint, because they are executed every time the breakpoint is hit. Here are some examples:

  • Get a variable named message:

  • Get a variable named message, which is a shared pointer in this particular case, and dereference it (in libstdc++, the pointer is stored in the px field of a shared pointer object; for a unique pointer, the pointer is located in _M_t._M_head_impl):


    For accessing structure members, the [] Python operator is used on the gdb.Value object that represents a C++ structure.

  • Get the string in this->impl_->topic_, where impl_ is a shared pointer and topic_ is a C++ string:


    The string() method of a gdb.Value (whose C++ type is char *) returns a Unicode string, so str() is finally used to convert it in a regular Python string.

  • You can also use gdb.parse_and_eval('c++ expression') to evaluate C++ expressions (such as function/method calls)