
The topp ros repository provides with TOPP and TOPP-RA interface to ROS.

Primary LanguagePython


This repository provides with TOPP and TOPP-RA interface to ROS.

Ubuntu 18.04 Ubuntu 20.04
Melodic Noetic

Table Of Contents


This repository depents on following repositories: TOPP and TOPP-RA. Follow the installation instructions on these repositories prior to installation of this package.

Installing TOPP-RA Installing TOPP-RA can be a litle bit tricky. Here are instructions for installing basic functionality(which is enough for usage with topp_ros package) you can type:

git clone https://github.com/hungpham2511/toppra && cd toppra/
git checkout 8df858b08175d4884b803bf6ab7f459205e54fa2 #checkout to working python 2.7 version of the toppra package
pip install -r requirements.txt --user
python setup.py install --user

To use this repository simply clone it into your ROS workspace and build it.

Running the planner

Both TOPP and TOPP-RA algorithms are avaliable for trajectory planning. We recommend the newer version - TOPP-RA since it has better success rate for more constraints.


You can run the trajectory generation node with:

rosrun topp_ros generate_toppra_trajectory.py



trajectory_msgs/JointTrajectory     waypoints
float64                             sampling_frequency
bool                                plot
trajectory_msgs/JointTrajectory     trajectory
bool                                success

The waypoints are sent to the service as a trajectory_msgs/JointTrajectory in request. Each waypoint is n-DOF and the type is trajectory_msgs/JointTrajectoryPoint. Position of each waypoint is passed through positions field. The first waypoint must also contain constraints for velocity and acceleration for that joint. These constraints can be passed through velocities and accelerations fields. The detailed call of this service with comments in code can be found in examples/toppra_trajectory_call_example