- 1
Nautilus left pane
#22 opened by fblais - 0
XFCE - Chromium theme looks broken
#21 opened by kepler2 - 0
- 0
Nautilus right pane background color
#19 opened by fblais - 0
visual glitch in pathbar selector in Thunar
#18 opened by starryprabin - 2
- 2
- 2
Missing dependencies in doc
#15 opened by mielune - 1
XFCE Notification pop-up theme
#16 opened by kepler2 - 2
Rambox application menu unreadable
#14 opened by manuel-uberti - 7
Java application menu unreadable
#13 opened by manuel-uberti - 0
- 1
- 0
- 1
Window Manager theme
#8 opened by kepler2 - 2
Double indicators on Ubuntu Dock
#7 opened by logix2 - 2
- 1
Latest Google Chrome with GTK+
#5 opened by manuel-uberti - 4
Dash to Dock theme
#4 opened by manuel-uberti - 1
Color variants
#3 opened by Massimo-B - 0
Double indicator on dock
#2 opened by manuel-uberti - 1
#1 opened by manuel-uberti