Swift implementation of the reform dynamic drawing application inspired by Bret Victor's talk "Drawing Dynamic Visualizations"
- arteezy
- bhargavgMX Media & Entertainment
- bradjonescaNew York
- cwhy
- dede@otto-de
- denisfitz57
- dhmspector@TheZeitgeist (Zeitgeist Information Systems, LLC)
- domenicosolazzoOslo
- dparnellAutomagic Software Pty Ltd
- fly51flyPRIS
- haraballOffenbach am Main, Germany
- itsmehemant123Purdue University
- ivanistheoneMinireference Co.
- jbrooksuk@laravel
- jerichoBobRaleigh, NC
- kflDepartment of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen @diku-dk
- kvey@ThousandBirdsInc
- laventuraMountain View, CA
- maxdecuberall
- MaxDesiatov
- mbertschler@remerge
- medul6Stolz-Krechting ProduktionsbĂĽro Medien
- michaelhuffman
- qixotic
- redareadyAix en provence, France <-> Tokyo, Japan
- rogeriomarques
- ryosuzukiUniversity of Colordo Boulder
- sherbondyBoxtree
- stelabourasBreakpoint Mobile
- sujal99Calcutta, India
- timonsnUtrecht, Netherlands
- tonycheal
- trafnarFlinto
- vurral
- Xzya