- 0
Cannot add other yaml files that are not source file in `queries` directory
#558 opened by zeyarpaing - 5
- 1
- 2
Latitude server UI
#551 opened by navyademo1 - 6
Can we configure Cassandra as data source?
#543 opened by navyademo1 - 3
Dynamic prompting
#540 opened by csansoon - 2
Linter not working for `Source`
#529 opened by csansoon - 4
Download as CSV Not Disabling After Download
#456 opened by lakshaygoyal01 - 2
Query results are completely stored in memory at once, which can crash the server if they're too large.
#518 opened by csansoon - 3
- 3
Capture node warnings with telemetry
#508 opened by andresgutgon - 3
API REST source type
#396 opened by csansoon - 4
Hot-reload issue in wsl
#406 opened by vinith-kovan - 2
Remove mutual version dependency between app and CLI
#433 opened by csansoon - 1
View Layout is not consistent
#275 opened by csansoon - 0
- 3
Dynamic Query creation from front-end
#539 opened by navyademo1 - 4
- 2
E2E tests for apps/server
#358 opened by geclos - 2
Improve error logs
#339 opened by geclos - 3
Integrate with dbt semantic layer
#322 opened by cesr - 4
- 2
Options to scale Latitude Cloud deployments
#346 opened by geclos - 6
Cloud Embedded Storage layer
#369 opened by andresgutgon - 1
Cannot select text from table in CLI's run command
#457 opened by csansoon - 1
Support multiselect in Select component
#451 opened by geclos - 1
- 12
- 2
Different rendering views formats
#296 opened by andresgutgon - 2
Testing suite
#314 opened by geclos - 2
Await block prints "pending" contents multiple times
#274 opened by csansoon - 2
SSL configuration
#289 opened by geclos - 1
Setting secrets in Latitude Cloud
#347 opened by geclos - 1
Add screenshots of examples
#292 opened by urbanonymous - 1
React component library
#312 opened by geclos - 2
Changing the value of an input from React does not update the parameter in an embed
#360 opened by csansoon - 3
[Question] API contract documentation?
#411 opened by tarasyarema - 1
Browser cache is not handled correctly
#381 opened by csansoon - 8
Queries data cache is not working properly
#380 opened by abgonzalez93 - 9
Query file not found || Connector not installed
#348 opened by abgonzalez93 - 0
Cache expiration time
#299 opened by csansoon - 9
- 3
TypeError: The first argument must be of type string or an instance of Buffer, ArrayBuffer, or Array or an Array-like Object
#327 opened by KrunchMuffin - 3
Concat params in SQL
#323 opened by abgonzalez93 - 0
Latitude Platform
#311 opened by geclos - 0
Unbundle connectors from Latitude
#310 opened by geclos - 2
Data from CSV is not loaded
#309 opened by abgonzalez93 - 2
Issue when installing with python 3.12
#302 opened by carlosseru - 0
Server opening in a different port that what is shown
#303 opened by csansoon - 0
Improve docs organisation
#270 opened by csansoon