- 8
npm install fibers with error(node v12.15.0)
#449 opened by xinxin11 - 0
Cannot find module win32-x64-108\fibers
#471 opened by wvduffelen - 1
Node 20.6.1 support
#470 opened by gustawdaniel - 4
- 0
node: ../src/ void* find_thread_id_key(void*): Assertion `thread_id_key != 0x7777' failed. Aborted (core dumped)
#468 opened by denish88 - 0
- 4
C++ compile errors trying to install fibers @3.1.1
#452 opened by roblucas - 1
Whether the node version v16.x.x is supported
#464 opened by AutismPatient - 0
#463 opened by stevedekorte - 2
latest version 5.0.2 won't install
#462 opened by Globebyte - 4
Latest version 5.0.2 is not tagged.
#459 opened by danielbarr3ra - 1
what to do it does not work on node 16 but I really need this package for the code to work
#458 opened by iocmet - 1
New NPM version released
#460 opened by judaschwartz - 0
not support python3?
#456 opened by xiedeacc - 0
- 1
NPM install error for fibers
#448 opened by weilies - 2
Debian9: Assertion `thread_id_key != 0x7777' failed
#451 opened by ygaeon - 3
A Big Thank You
#450 opened by tcf909 - 8
- 1
- 0
ES6 Module support
#447 opened by softboy99 - 4
CenterOS can't build node-fibers
#414 opened by fenyuluoshang - 3
Question: node-fibers API using async/await
#443 opened by meggarr - 1
Release precompiled versions for Node v15
#445 opened by nex3 - 0
Missing binary error
#444 opened by palash2601 - 4
Problem with GCC
#433 opened by moh3nmx - 2
Can't install fibers on Windows
#442 opened by kaanrkaraman - 3
Memory leak when using with Jest
#441 opened by pelotom - 1
npm install crashing due to fiber install script
#440 opened by mikr13 - 0
Dockerfile build failed on
#439 opened by DinoRavasi - 2
Problem Compiling
#435 opened by Fabbok1x - 2
- 1
Install fibers failed on Debian
#434 opened by juzhiyuan - 3
Can't install fibers om Mac OS Catalina
#423 opened by GRme-zz - 1
Can fibers be used in a webbrowser?
#432 opened by jackzhp - 6
Doesn't build on Node 13
#424 opened by blackxored - 2
3.1.0@latest' is not in the npm registry
#431 opened by leopinzon - 5
Can you use generators with Fibers?
#430 opened by tcf909 - 4
Get rid of libcoro
#428 opened by christian-bromann - 2
Cannot build fibers@2.0.2
#426 opened by Tvde1 - 1
Fibers not destroyed / garbage collected
#427 opened by kirgene - 0
Unable to debug in IDEs
#425 opened by mgrybyk - 1
Binaries for IBM POWER (ppc64)
#422 opened by mdenninghoff - 17
After upgrading to node current 13.0.0 fibers install fails with the following error
#420 opened by JoshuaVSherman - 0
- 2
fibers/bin/linux-x64-79-glibc/fibers.node is missing
#421 opened by tiofabby - 1
Waiting for futures and getting the result
#418 opened by smac89 - 1
Wait for future promise / fiber and return it's value
#416 opened by smac89 - 1
uncaught thrown errors show up as unhandledRejection instead of uncaughtException
#413 opened by tcf909 - 12
install fibers on CentOS 7.6(aarch64) error
#412 opened by OwenSharpKing