Plant Breeder frequently uses alien introgression to utilize valuable genes from the wild relatives to improve the cultivated elite varieties of crops. The introgression, whether the segmental or whole arm, of alien chromosomes into the elite varities can be confirmed using cytogenetic tools such as FISH and GISH. However, we can confirm the introgressions using sequencing technology more easily. This pipeline uses some other pipelines and basic unix codes to map reads of the introssion lines to a combined reference genome i.e. reference generated through combining two genomes of both donor and the recepient. We used Nextera sequencing to generate 150 bp pair-end reads.
Plant Breeder frequently uses alien introgression, i.e. utilizing valuable genes from the wild relatives to the cultivated crop varieties. Traditionally, the introgression of a piece or whole arm of alien chromosomes into the elite varities was confirmed using cytogenetic tools such as FISH and GISH. With the advent of new high-throughput sequencing technology, we can use sequencing of putative introgressed lines to confirm the introgressions. This pipeline uses some other pipelines and basic unix codes to map reads of the introssion lines to a combined reference genome i.e. reference generated through combining the reference genomes of both donor and the recepient.