
Genotyping a larger plant population using skim-sequencing such as Nextera approach has gained popularity these days. However, no proper analysis methods have been documented in public domain. This protocol describe how we call variants from skim-seq population which is based on the deep-sequencing of parental lines.

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Skim-Seq RIL Population Genotyping for Linkage Mapping

Genotyping a larger plant population using skim-sequencing such as Nextera sequencing has gained popularity as a low-cost, efficient and high accuracy sequencing method. However, no proper analysis method to generate genotyping file from the raw sequence files have been documented in public domain. This protocol describe how we call variants from skim-seq population when we have deep-sequencing data of the parental lines and the skim-sequencing data of the progenies or mapping population.

Generating Parent and Progeny VCF files

A. Variant calling in whole-genome-sequencing (WGS) parents

Two monococcum wheat parents; wild (TA4342_L95) and domesticated (TA4342_L96) and their progenies (RIL7) were used to test the pipeline.

Trimming WGS data using fastp to remove adapters

fastp -i sample.R1.fq -I sample.R2.fq -o sample.fp.R1.fq.gz -O sample.fp.R2.fq.gz --thread=7 --html=sample.html --json=sample.json --detect_adapter_for_pe --qualified_quality_phred=10 --length_required=150

The WGS data of two monococcum parents were aligned to the TA299 wild monoroccom reference genome using Hisat2:

hisat2-2.1.0/hisat2 -p 12 -x Hisat2.indexed.monoc.ref -1 TA4342_L95.fp.R1.fq.gz -2 TA4342_L95.fp.R2.fq.gz--no-spliced-alignment --no-unal -S parent1.sam
hisat2-2.1.0/hisat2 -p 12 -x Hisat2.indexed.monoc.ref -1 TA4342_L96.fp.R1.fq.gz -2 TA4342_L96.fp.R2.fq.gz--no-spliced-alignment --no-unal -S parent2.sam

Retriving concordant unique reads:

cat <(samtools view -H parent1.sam) <(awk '/YT:Z:CP/ && /NH:i:1/' parent1.sam) | samtools sort -o parent1.s.bam
samtools index -c parent1.s.bam
cat <(samtools view -H parent2.sam) <(awk '/YT:Z:CP/ && /NH:i:1/' parent2.sam) | samtools sort -o parent2.s.bam
samtools index -c parent2.s.bam

Variant calling:

bcftools mpileup --annotate AD,DP,INFO/AD --skip-indels -f monoc.ref.fasta -b bamFilesList.txt -B | bcftools call -m --variants-only  --skip-variants indels --output-type v -o monococcum.parents.RILs.vcf --group-samples -

Variant filter:

The variants called on parents were filtered so as to remove any loci with het genotype call, missing call and monomorphic loci

B. Genotyping of variants identified between parents in a recombinant inbred line (RIL) population

The SNP positions are listed in a file which is used in BCFtools:

grep -v '^#' monococcum.parents.RILs.vcf | awk '{print $1"\t"$2"\t"$4","$5}' | bgzip -c > parentSNP_positions.tsv.gz && tabix -s1 -b2 -e2 parentSNP_positions.tsv.gz.  ## though we did not use -b2 flag here

Remove adapters from RILs skim-sequencing data as we did with parents WGS:

fastp -i sample.R1.fq -I sample.R2.fq -o sample.fp.R1.fq.gz -O sample.fp.R2.fq.gz --thread=5 --html=sample.html --json=sample.json --detect_adapter_for_pe --qualified_quality_phred=10 --length_required=150

The adapter trimmed reads from the RILs were aligned to the reference genome using Hisat2. The RIL's sorted bam file names are listed in bamFile_list.txt per line and used for genotyping using BCFtools:

bcftools mpileup -T parentSNP_positions.tsv.gz --annotate AD,DP,INFO/AD --skip-indels -f monoc.ref.fasta -b bamFile_list.txt -B | bcftools call -m --constrain alleles -T parentSNP_positions.tsv.gz --variants-only --skip-variants indels --output-type v -o monococcum.RILs.vcf --group-samples -  ## group-sample option requires bcftools version at least 1.10.2 or above

Finding allelic disributions in RILs

Merge RILs and Parents VCF so that two parents (P1 and P2) are in the last two columns:

module load  BCFtools
bgzip -c monococcum.RILs.vcf  > monococcum.RILs.vcf.gz
bgzip -c monococcum.parents.RILs.vcf > monococcum.parents.RILs.vcf.gz
bcftools merge *vcf.gz -Oz -o Merged.mono.parents.RILs.vcf.gz
unzip  Merged.mono.parents.RILs.vcf.gz > Merged.mono.parents.RILs.vcf

Convert Merge vcf file to txt file using BCFtools:

module load BCFtools
grep '#CHROM' Merged.mono.parents.RILs.vcf > header.row.txt   ## grep individual's names and other required info which will be the header row in txt file
cut --complement  -f3,6,7,8,9  header.row.txt > header.row.trimmed.txt  ## remove unwanted columns in the header file

bcftools query -f '%CHROM %POS  %REF  %ALT [ %GT]\n' Merged.mono.parents.RILs.vcf > Merged.mono.parents.RILs.vcf.txt ## this file does not have header

cat header.row.trimmed.txt  Merged.mono.parents.RILs.vcf.header.row.txt >  mono.parents.RILs.genotyped.header.txt

Convert alleles as either P1, P2, or H:

sed -e "/1$/s/0\/0/P1/g" -e "/1$/s/1\/1/P2/g" -e "/0$/s/1\/1/P1/g" -e "/0$/s/0\/0/P2/g" -e "s/0\/1/H/g"  mono.parents.RILs.genotyped.header.txt > mono.parents.RILs.alleles.identified.txt

Remove wrong called alleles: Remove P1 alleles called on P2 parent and vice-versa

Finding allelic disributions in RILs

Separate genotyped individuals for allelic distibution graphs and generate bin map

Run script below to get individuals with chromosome, position and genotype information as P1, P2, H or ./.(missing):

#!/bin/bash -l

#INPUT FILE, header should look like:
#chrom	Pos	Ref	Alt	sample_RIL1	sample_RIL2	sample_RIL3 ...parent1, parent2

#Get number of columns total for the for loop later
num_of_cols=$(head -n1 $INPUT | awk '{print NF}')
echo $num_of_cols

echo "Making file with only header..."
head -n 1 "$INPUT" > "$INPUT.onlyheader"

echo "Making file without header..."
tail -n +2 "$INPUT" > "$INPUT.tmp" && mv "$INPUT.tmp" "$INPUT.noheader"

echo "Making file with all chromosomes and positions..."
cat "$INPUT.noheader" | tr -s ' ' '\t' | cut -f 1-2 > "$INPUT.noheader.onlyChromPos"

echo "Preparing to iterate through columns..."
for i in $(seq 5 $num_of_cols)
    echo "Starting row $i..."
    filename=$(awk "{print \$$i}" "$INPUT.onlyheader")
    echo "Filename: $filename"
    columnout=$(awk "{print \$$i}" "$INPUT.noheader")
    #echo "Column Out: $columnout"
    #Using the .noheader.onlyChromPos file as a template, add on an extra column of the sample and name it the sample's name
    echo "$columnout" | paste -d'\t' "$INPUT.noheader.onlyChromPos" - > $filename.txt

Allelic distribution plots with P1, P2, H and missing

a. First replace the missing call with 'NA':

#!/bin/bash -l

for sample in `ls /dir/individual_files/sample*`
base=$(basename $sample "sample")

sed 's|./.|NA|g' ${dir}/${base} > ${dir}/${base}_replace.NA.txt


b. put sample name in the columns which support when you have to run all samples in a single loop

#!/bin/bash -l

for i in *txt
name=$(echo $i | sed 's/.txt_replace.NA.//')
awk -v NAME="$name" 'BEGIN{OFS="\t"}{$4=NAME} {print}' $i > ${i%}.newcol.txt

c. Add numerical values on another column which makes easier to get plot using ggplot:

#!/bin/bash -l

for file in *.txt
awk ' BEGIN{OFS="\t"} $3~/P1$/ {$5="1"} $3~/P2$/ {$5="-1"} $3~/H$/ {$5="1.5"} $3~/NA$/ {$5="0"} 1'  ${file}  > ${file}.newcol.added.txt 
## we added 1 for P1, -1 for P2, 1.5 for H and 0 for missing 

d. Either plot a single input file or combined file in a loop using ggplot2:

## R script
  df <- fread("sample_2010_P01_B12.newcol.added.txt", header = T, check.names = T, data.table = F)
  colnames(df)[1:5] = c("Chr", "Pos", "Allele", "sample", "variable" )
  p1 <- ggplot(data = df, aes(x=Pos, y=variable, fill=Allele)) +    ###introduced dummy y - variables
    geom_tile(stat="identity", width = 1.3, height =1.6) +
    scale_x_continuous(labels=function(x)x/1000000, breaks = seq(0,900000000, by = 100000000),expand = c(0.01, 0)) +
    scale_y_discrete(expand=c(0,2)) +
    scale_fill_manual(values=c(P1 = "blue", P2 = "orange", H = "magenta", Miss= "gray"), breaks=c("P1", "P2", "H", "Miss"), labels=c("parent1", "parent2",     "Het-call [imputed]", "Missing" )) +
    theme(axis.text.x = element_text(size = 6, colour = "black", face = "bold"),
          axis.text.y = element_blank(),##element_text(size = 7, colour = "black", face = "bold"),
          axis.title = element_text(size=8, colour = "black", face = "bold"),
          axis.ticks.x = element_blank(),
          strip.text.y = element_text(size=8, colour = "black", face = "bold", angle = 0),
          panel.spacing = unit(1,"lines"),
          legend.position = "top",
          legend.title = element_blank(),
          legend.text = element_text(size = 8, face = "bold"),
          legend.key.size = unit(0.1, "cm"),
          legend.spacing.x = unit(0.1, 'cm'),
          strip.background = element_rect(colour = "black", fill = "grey90", size = 0.1),
          panel.background = element_blank(),
          panel.grid = element_line(size = 0.05, linetype = 'solid', color = "grey90"),
          panel.border = element_blank()) +#element_rect(color = "black", fill = NA, size = 0.05)) +
    labs(x ="Genomic position in TA299 (Mb)", y= "DNA201021P01_B12_TA4342_L90") +
  ggsave("sample.newcol.added.pdf", p1, width = 9, height = 11, units = "in", limitsize = F)

Added centromeric positions as in the graph below

