
alexa_noreco.launch and alexa_reco.launch

pyn1998 opened this issue · 5 comments

hi @laxnpander ,really impressived to see your amazing work ,it helps me a lot!
Now i have run all gnss/reco/noreco launch file with your test dataset ,and they look great.When i use my own dataset ,it worked well in alexa_gnss.launch,however there are no ortho results showed in alexa_noreco.launch and alexa_reco.launch.Would you please help me check if I have done something wrong? Here are the terminal outputs:

... logging to /home/pyn/.ros/log/9580b374-6ebe-11ed-abd3-fc4482124945/roslaunch-pyn-XPS-8940-17788.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take a while.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.

started roslaunch server http://pyn-XPS-8940:42293/



  • /realm_exiv2_grabber/config/id: alexa
  • /realm_exiv2_grabber/config/input: /home/pyn/nanji_p...
  • /realm_exiv2_grabber/config/profile: alexa_noreco
  • /realm_exiv2_grabber/config/rate: 10.0
  • /realm_mosaicing/config/id: alexa
  • /realm_mosaicing/config/profile: alexa_noreco
  • /realm_mosaicing/stage/type: mosaicing
  • /realm_mosaicing/topics/input/frame: /realm/alexa/orth...
  • /realm_ortho_rectification/config/id: alexa
  • /realm_ortho_rectification/config/profile: alexa_noreco
  • /realm_ortho_rectification/stage/type: ortho_rectification
  • /realm_ortho_rectification/topics/input/frame: /realm/alexa/surf...
  • /realm_ortho_rectification/topics/output: /realm/alexa/orth...
  • /realm_pose_estimation/config/id: alexa
  • /realm_pose_estimation/config/method: open_vslam
  • /realm_pose_estimation/config/profile: alexa_noreco
  • /realm_pose_estimation/stage/master: True
  • /realm_pose_estimation/stage/type: pose_estimation
  • /realm_pose_estimation/topics/input/frame: /realm/alexa/input
  • /realm_pose_estimation/topics/output: /realm/alexa/pose...
  • /realm_surface_generation/config/id: alexa
  • /realm_surface_generation/config/profile: alexa_norecof
  • /realm_surface_generation/stage/type: surface_generation
  • /realm_surface_generation/topics/input/frame: /realm/alexa/pose...
  • /realm_surface_generation/topics/output: /realm/alexa/surf...
  • /rosdistro: melodic
  • /rosversion: 1.14.13

realm_exiv2_grabber (realm_ros/realm_exiv2_grabber)
realm_mosaicing (realm_ros/realm_stage_node)
realm_ortho_rectification (realm_ros/realm_stage_node)
realm_pose_estimation (realm_ros/realm_stage_node)
realm_surface_generation (realm_ros/realm_stage_node)
rviz (rviz/rviz)

auto-starting new master
process[master]: started with pid [18038]

setting /run_id to 9580b374-6ebe-11ed-abd3-fc4482124945
process[rosout-1]: started with pid [18073]
started core service [/rosout]
process[realm_exiv2_grabber-2]: started with pid [18076]
process[realm_pose_estimation-3]: started with pid [18077]
process[realm_surface_generation-4]: started with pid [18078]
process[realm_ortho_rectification-5]: started with pid [18079]
process[realm_mosaicing-6]: started with pid [18080]
process[rviz-7]: started with pid [18084]
[ INFO] [1669600041.136448059]: STAGE_NODE [ortho_rectification]: Loading stage settings from path:
[ INFO] [1669600041.136447757]: STAGE_NODE [mosaicing]: Loading stage settings from path:
[ INFO] [1669600041.137005181]: STAGE_NODE [surface_generation]: Loading stage settings from path:
[ INFO] [1669600041.166828594]: STAGE_NODE [pose_estimation]: Loading stage settings from path:
[ INFO] [1669600041.174912744]: STAGE_NODE [pose_estimation]: Detected stage type: 'pose_estimation'
[ INFO] [1669600041.177325672]: STAGE_NODE [pose_estimation]: : Loading camera from path:
[ INFO] [1669600041.188608542]: STAGE_NODE [pose_estimation]: : Detected camera model: 'pinhole'
[ INFO] [1669600041.188645782]: STAGE_NODE [pose_estimation]: : Loading vslam settings from path:
[ INFO] [1669600041.194812236]: STAGE_NODE [pose_estimation]: : Detected vslam type: 'OPEN_VSLAM'
[ INFO] [1669600041.196840973]: STAGE_NODE [surface_generation]: Detected stage type: 'surface_generation'
2022-11-28 09:47:21.201 ( 0.173s) [ 4F00C000] pose_estimation.cpp:40 0| Stage [pose_estimation]: Created Stage with Settings:

<Param>[save_keyframes_full]: 0
<Param>[save_frames]: 0
<Param>[save_trajectory_gnss]: 1
<Param>[save_trajectory_visual]: 1
<Param>[overlap_max_fallback]: 95
<Param>[use_vslam]: 1
<Param>[queue_size]: 10
<Param>[min_nrof_frames_georef]: 5
<Param>[use_imu]: 0
<Param>[type]: pose_estimation
<Param>[set_all_frames_keyframes]: 0
<Param>[init_lost_frames_reset_count]: 15
<Param>[fallback_strategy]: 1
<Param>[update_georef]: 0
<Param>[save_keyframes]: 0
<Param>[log_to_file]: 1
<Param>[do_delay_keyframes]: 1
<Param>[suppress_outdated_pose_pub]: 0
<Param>[use_initial_guess]: 0
<Param>[th_error_georef]: 1
<Param>[overlap_max]: 100

[2022-11-28 09:47:21.202] [info] config file loaded:
[ INFO] [1669600041.210749242]: STAGE_NODE [ortho_rectification]: Detected stage type: 'ortho_rectification'
[ INFO] [1669600041.211861980]: STAGE_NODE [mosaicing]: Detected stage type: 'mosaicing'
[ INFO] [1669600041.214893274]: STAGE_NODE [surface_generation]: : Loading camera from path:
[ INFO] [1669600041.214952993]: STAGE_NODE [surface_generation]: : Detected camera model: 'pinhole'
[ INFO] [1669600041.216041173]: STAGE_NODE [surface_generation]: Started stage node successfully!
2022-11-28 09:47:21.216 ( 0.188s) [Stage [surface_g] worker_thread_base.cpp:43 0| Thread 'Stage [surface_generation]' starting loop...
[ INFO] [1669600041.219831823]: STAGE_NODE [ortho_rectification]: : Loading camera from path:
[ INFO] [1669600041.219897726]: STAGE_NODE [ortho_rectification]: : Detected camera model: 'pinhole'
[ INFO] [1669600041.219929614]: STAGE_NODE [mosaicing]: : Loading camera from path:
Stage [ortho_rectification]: Created Stage with Settings:
[save_elevation]: 0
[save_ortho_gtiff]: 0
[save_valid]: 0
[save_elevation_angle]: 0
[type]: ortho_rectification
[save_ortho_rgb]: 0
[log_to_file]: 1
[publish_pointcloud]: 0
[queue_size]: 5
[GSD]: 0.1
[ INFO] [1669600041.220023917]: STAGE_NODE [mosaicing]: : Detected camera model: 'pinhole'
Stage [mosaicing]: Created Stage with Settings:
[save_num_obs_all]: 0
[save_num_obs_one]: 1
[save_elevation_mesh_one]: 0
[save_elevation_obs_angle_all]: 0
[save_elevation_obs_angle_one]: 1
[save_elevation_var_all]: 0
[save_elevation_all]: 0
[th_elevation_variance]: 1
[th_elevation_min_nobs]: 2
[save_dense_ply]: 1
[queue_size]: 5
[save_elevation_var_one]: 0
[log_to_file]: 1
[save_ortho_rgb_one]: 1
[type]: mosaicing
[publish_mesh_every_nth_kf]: 0
[publish_mesh_at_finish]: 1
[save_ortho_gtiff_one]: 1
[split_gtiff_channels]: 0
[save_elevation_one]: 1
[save_ortho_gtiff_all]: 0
[downsample_publish_mesh]: 0.5
[save_valid]: 0
[save_ortho_rgb_all]: 0
[ INFO] [1669600041.221020064]: STAGE_NODE [ortho_rectification]: Started stage node successfully!
2022-11-28 09:47:21.221 ( 0.192s) [Stage [ortho_rec] worker_thread_base.cpp:43 0| Thread 'Stage [ortho_rectification]' starting loop...
[ INFO] [1669600041.221625637]: STAGE_NODE [mosaicing]: Started stage node successfully!
2022-11-28 09:47:21.221 ( 0.193s) [Stage [mosaicing] worker_thread_base.cpp:43 0| Thread 'Stage [mosaicing]' starting loop...
[2022-11-28 09:47:23.083] [info]

/ _ \ _ __ ___ _ \ \ / / __| | /\ | / |
| () | ' / -) ' \ V /_ \ |__ / _ | |/| |
_/| ./_||||_/ |/// __| ||

Copyright (C) 2019,
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
All rights reserved.

This is free software,
and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.
See the LICENSE file.

name: cam
setup: monocular
k1: -0.198806
k2: 0.122544
p1: -0.000221
p2: -0.000877
k3: 0
fps: 0.5
cols: 5472
rows: 3648
color_order: RGB
fx: 4459.4
fy: 4459.4
cx: 2736
cy: 1824
model: perspective
max_num_keypoints: 2000
ini_max_num_keypoints: 4000
num_levels: 12
scale_factor: 1.1
ini_fast_threshold: 20
min_fast_threshold: 5
baseline_dist_thr_ratio: 0.02

[2022-11-28 09:47:23.083] [info] loading ORB vocabulary: /home/pyn/openREALM/OpenREALM/catkin_ws/src/OpenREALM_ROS1_Bridge/realm_ros/profiles/alexa_noreco/pose_estimation/method/open_vslam/orb_vocab.fbow
[ INFO] [1669600043.276237346]: Exiv2 Grabber Node [Ankommen]: Successfully loaded camera:
cx = 2736
cy = 1824
fx = 4459.4
fy = 4459.4
k1 = -0.198806
k2 = 0.122544
p1 = -0.000221
p2 = -0.000877
[ INFO] [1669600043.378491703]: Scanning input image for provided meta tags...
[ INFO] [1669600043.666692925]: [FOUND] 'Exif.GPSInfo.GPSAltitude'
[ INFO] [1669600043.666716232]: [FOUND] 'Exif.GPSInfo.GPSLatitude'
[ INFO] [1669600043.666720486]: [FOUND] 'Exif.GPSInfo.GPSLatitudeRef'
[ INFO] [1669600043.666724190]: [FOUND] 'Exif.GPSInfo.GPSLongitude'
[ INFO] [1669600043.666727714]: [FOUND] 'Exif.GPSInfo.GPSLongitudeRef'
[ INFO] [1669600043.666748674]: [FOUND] 'Exif.Image.Model'
[ WARN] [1669600043.666753503]: [NOT FOUND] 'Xmp.exif.REALM.Heading'
[ WARN] [1669600043.666758971]: [NOT FOUND] 'Xmp.exif.REALM.Timestamp'
[ INFO] [1669600043.666776597]: Image #0, image Path: /home/pyn/nanji_photo/openrealm/sys/img_0000.jpg
[2022-11-28 09:47:23.810] [info] startup SLAM system
[2022-11-28 09:47:23.810] [info] start mapping module
2022-11-28 09:47:23.810 ( 2.782s) [ 4F00C000] pose_estimation.cpp:99 0| Evaluating fallback strategy...
2022-11-28 09:47:23.810 ( 2.782s) [ 4F00C000] pose_estimation.cpp:109 0| Selected: NEVER - Image projection will not be used.
[2022-11-28 09:47:23.810] [info] start global optimization module
2022-11-28 09:47:23.813 ( 2.785s) [ 4F00C000] loguru.h:2056 0| Logging to '/home/pyn/openREALM/OpenREALM/catkin_ws/src/OpenREALM_ROS1_Bridge/realm_ros/output/22-11-28_09-47-21/pose_estimation/stage.log', mode: 'a', verbosity: 9
2022-11-28 09:47:23.813 ( 2.785s) [ 4F00C000] stage_base.cpp:42 0| Successfully initialized!
2022-11-28 09:47:23.813 ( 2.785s) [ 4F00C000] stage_base.cpp:43 0| Stage path set to: /home/pyn/openREALM/OpenREALM/catkin_ws/src/OpenREALM_ROS1_Bridge/realm_ros/output/22-11-28_09-47-21/pose_estimation
2022-11-28 09:47:23.813 ( 2.785s) [ 4F00C000] pose_estimation.cpp:396 0| ### Stage process settings ###
2022-11-28 09:47:23.813 ( 2.785s) [ 4F00C000] pose_estimation.cpp:397 0| - use_vslam: 1
2022-11-28 09:47:23.813 ( 2.785s) [ 4F00C000] pose_estimation.cpp:398 0| - use_fallback: 0
2022-11-28 09:47:23.813 ( 2.785s) [ 4F00C000] pose_estimation.cpp:399 0| - do_update_georef: 0
2022-11-28 09:47:23.813 ( 2.785s) [ 4F00C000] pose_estimation.cpp:400 0| - do_suppress_outdated_pose_pub: 0
2022-11-28 09:47:23.813 ( 2.785s) [ 4F00C000] pose_estimation.cpp:401 0| - th_error_georef: 1.00
2022-11-28 09:47:23.813 ( 2.785s) [ 4F00C000] pose_estimation.cpp:402 0| - min_nrof_frames_georef: 5
2022-11-28 09:47:23.813 ( 2.785s) [ 4F00C000] pose_estimation.cpp:403 0| - init_lost_frames_reset_count: 15f
2022-11-28 09:47:23.813 ( 2.785s) [ 4F00C000] pose_estimation.cpp:404 0| - overlap_max: 100.00
2022-11-28 09:47:23.813 ( 2.785s) [ 4F00C000] pose_estimation.cpp:405 0| - overlap_max_fallback: 95.00
2022-11-28 09:47:23.813 ( 2.785s) [ 4F00C000] pose_estimation.cpp:407 0| ### Stage save settings ###
2022-11-28 09:47:23.813 ( 2.785s) [ 4F00C000] pose_estimation.cpp:408 0| - save_trajectory_gnss: 1
2022-11-28 09:47:23.813 ( 2.785s) [ 4F00C000] pose_estimation.cpp:409 0| - save_trajectory_visual: 1
2022-11-28 09:47:23.813 ( 2.785s) [ 4F00C000] pose_estimation.cpp:410 0| - save_frames: 0
2022-11-28 09:47:23.813 ( 2.785s) [ 4F00C000] pose_estimation.cpp:411 0| - save_keyframes: 0
2022-11-28 09:47:23.813 ( 2.785s) [ 4F00C000] pose_estimation.cpp:412 0| - save_keyframes_full: 0
[ INFO] [1669600043.813345779]: STAGE_NODE [pose_estimation]: Started stage node successfully!
2022-11-28 09:47:23.813 ( 2.785s) [Stage [pose_esti] worker_thread_base.cpp:43 0| Thread 'Stage [pose_estimation]' starting loop...
2022-11-28 09:47:23.816 ( 2.788s) [ 87C15000] loguru.h:2056 0| Logging to '/home/pyn/openREALM/OpenREALM/catkin_ws/src/OpenREALM_ROS1_Bridge/realm_ros/output/22-11-28_09-47-21/surface_generation/stage.log', mode: 'a', verbosity: 9
2022-11-28 09:47:23.816 ( 2.788s) [ 87C15000] stage_base.cpp:42 0| Successfully initialized!
2022-11-28 09:47:23.816 ( 2.788s) [ 87C15000] stage_base.cpp:43 0| Stage path set to: /home/pyn/openREALM/OpenREALM/catkin_ws/src/OpenREALM_ROS1_Bridge/realm_ros/output/22-11-28_09-47-21/surface_generation
2022-11-28 09:47:23.816 ( 2.788s) [ 87C15000] surface_generation.cpp:165 0| ### Stage process settings ###
2022-11-28 09:47:23.816 ( 2.788s) [ 87C15000] surface_generation.cpp:166 0| - try_use_elevation: 1
2022-11-28 09:47:23.816 ( 2.788s) [ 87C15000] surface_generation.cpp:167 0| - compute_all_frames: 0
2022-11-28 09:47:23.816 ( 2.788s) [ 87C15000] surface_generation.cpp:168 0| - mode_surface_normals: 0
2022-11-28 09:47:23.816 ( 2.788s) [ 87C15000] surface_generation.cpp:170 0| ### Stage save settings ###
2022-11-28 09:47:23.816 ( 2.788s) [ 87C15000] surface_generation.cpp:171 0| - save_elevation: 0
2022-11-28 09:47:23.816 ( 2.788s) [ 87C15000] surface_generation.cpp:172 0| - save_normals: 0
[ INFO] [1669600043.816262110]: STAGE_NODE [surface_generation]: Received output directory, set to:
2022-11-28 09:47:23.821 ( 2.793s) [ 1D5F0000] loguru.h:2056 0| Logging to '/home/pyn/openREALM/OpenREALM/catkin_ws/src/OpenREALM_ROS1_Bridge/realm_ros/output/22-11-28_09-47-21/ortho_rectification/stage.log', mode: 'a', verbosity: 9
2022-11-28 09:47:23.821 ( 2.793s) [ 1D5F0000] stage_base.cpp:42 0| Successfully initialized!
2022-11-28 09:47:23.821 ( 2.793s) [ 1D5F0000] stage_base.cpp:43 0| Stage path set to: /home/pyn/openREALM/OpenREALM/catkin_ws/src/OpenREALM_ROS1_Bridge/realm_ros/output/22-11-28_09-47-21/ortho_rectification
2022-11-28 09:47:23.821 ( 2.793s) [ 1D5F0000]ortho_rectification.cpp:195 0| ### Stage process settings ###
2022-11-28 09:47:23.821 ( 2.793s) [ 1D5F0000]ortho_rectification.cpp:196 0| - GSD: 0.10
2022-11-28 09:47:23.821 ( 2.793s) [ 1D5F0000]ortho_rectification.cpp:197 0| - publish_pointcloud: 0
2022-11-28 09:47:23.821 ( 2.793s) [ 1D5F0000]ortho_rectification.cpp:199 0| ### Stage save settings ###
2022-11-28 09:47:23.821 ( 2.793s) [ 1D5F0000]ortho_rectification.cpp:200 0| - save_ortho_rgb: 0
2022-11-28 09:47:23.821 ( 2.793s) [ 1D5F0000]ortho_rectification.cpp:201 0| - save_ortho_gtiff: 0
2022-11-28 09:47:23.821 ( 2.793s) [ 1D5F0000]ortho_rectification.cpp:202 0| - save_elevation: 0
2022-11-28 09:47:23.821 ( 2.793s) [ 1D5F0000]ortho_rectification.cpp:203 0| - save_elevation_angle: 0
[ INFO] [1669600043.821288957]: STAGE_NODE [ortho_rectification]: Received output directory, set to:
2022-11-28 09:47:23.821 ( 2.793s) [ 8936D000] loguru.h:2056 0| Logging to '/home/pyn/openREALM/OpenREALM/catkin_ws/src/OpenREALM_ROS1_Bridge/realm_ros/output/22-11-28_09-47-21/mosaicing/stage.log', mode: 'a', verbosity: 9
2022-11-28 09:47:23.821 ( 2.793s) [ 8936D000] stage_base.cpp:42 0| Successfully initialized!
2022-11-28 09:47:23.821 ( 2.793s) [ 8936D000] stage_base.cpp:43 0| Stage path set to: /home/pyn/openREALM/OpenREALM/catkin_ws/src/OpenREALM_ROS1_Bridge/realm_ros/output/22-11-28_09-47-21/mosaicing
2022-11-28 09:47:23.821 ( 2.793s) [ 8936D000] mosaicing.cpp:346 0| ### Stage process settings ###
2022-11-28 09:47:23.821 ( 2.793s) [ 8936D000] mosaicing.cpp:347 0| - publish_mesh_nth_iter: 0
2022-11-28 09:47:23.821 ( 2.793s) [ 8936D000] mosaicing.cpp:348 0| - publish_mesh_every_nth_kf: 0
2022-11-28 09:47:23.821 ( 2.793s) [ 8936D000] mosaicing.cpp:349 0| - do_publish_mesh_at_finish: 1
2022-11-28 09:47:23.821 ( 2.793s) [ 8936D000] mosaicing.cpp:350 0| - downsample_publish_mesh: 0.50
2022-11-28 09:47:23.821 ( 2.793s) [ 8936D000] mosaicing.cpp:351 0| - use_surface_normals: 1
2022-11-28 09:47:23.821 ( 2.793s) [ 8936D000] mosaicing.cpp:352 0| - th_elevation_min_nobs: 2
2022-11-28 09:47:23.821 ( 2.793s) [ 8936D000] mosaicing.cpp:353 0| - th_elevation_var: 1.00
2022-11-28 09:47:23.821 ( 2.793s) [ 8936D000] mosaicing.cpp:355 0| ### Stage save settings ###
2022-11-28 09:47:23.821 ( 2.793s) [ 8936D000] mosaicing.cpp:356 0| - save_ortho_rgb_one: 1
2022-11-28 09:47:23.821 ( 2.793s) [ 8936D000] mosaicing.cpp:357 0| - save_ortho_rgb_all: 0
2022-11-28 09:47:23.822 ( 2.793s) [ 8936D000] mosaicing.cpp:358 0| - save_ortho_gtiff_one: 1
2022-11-28 09:47:23.822 ( 2.793s) [ 8936D000] mosaicing.cpp:359 0| - save_ortho_gtiff_all: 0
2022-11-28 09:47:23.822 ( 2.793s) [ 8936D000] mosaicing.cpp:360 0| - save_elevation_one: 1
2022-11-28 09:47:23.822 ( 2.793s) [ 8936D000] mosaicing.cpp:361 0| - save_elevation_all: 0
2022-11-28 09:47:23.822 ( 2.793s) [ 8936D000] mosaicing.cpp:362 0| - save_elevation_var_one: 0
2022-11-28 09:47:23.822 ( 2.793s) [ 8936D000] mosaicing.cpp:363 0| - save_elevation_var_all: 0
2022-11-28 09:47:23.822 ( 2.793s) [ 8936D000] mosaicing.cpp:364 0| - save_elevation_obs_angle_one: 1
2022-11-28 09:47:23.822 ( 2.793s) [ 8936D000] mosaicing.cpp:365 0| - save_elevation_obs_angle_all: 0
2022-11-28 09:47:23.822 ( 2.793s) [ 8936D000] mosaicing.cpp:366 0| - save_elevation_mesh_one: 0
2022-11-28 09:47:23.822 ( 2.793s) [ 8936D000] mosaicing.cpp:367 0| - save_num_obs_one: 1
2022-11-28 09:47:23.822 ( 2.793s) [ 8936D000] mosaicing.cpp:368 0| - save_num_obs_all: 0
2022-11-28 09:47:23.822 ( 2.793s) [ 8936D000] mosaicing.cpp:369 0| - save_dense_ply: 1
[ INFO] [1669600043.822126135]: STAGE_NODE [mosaicing]: Received output directory, set to:
[ INFO] [1669600044.840295944]: Image #1, image Path: /home/pyn/nanji_photo/openrealm/sys/img_0001.jpg
[ INFO] [1669600044.846368294]: STAGE_NODE [pose_estimation]: Received frame.
[ INFO] [1669600045.081085080]: STAGE_NODE [pose_estimation]: Frame reference set at: 22.446927, 113.520520
2022-11-28 09:47:25.081 ( 4.053s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:482 0| Input frame buffer at 10.00%
2022-11-28 09:47:25.081 ( 4.053s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:250 0| { track
2022-11-28 09:47:25.081 ( 4.053s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:251 0| . Frame id: #0, timestamp: 1669600044685
[ INFO] [1669600045.644456785]: Image #2, image Path: /home/pyn/nanji_photo/openrealm/sys/img_0002.jpg
[ INFO] [1669600045.654249919]: STAGE_NODE [pose_estimation]: Received frame.
2022-11-28 09:47:26.355 ( 5.326s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:291 WARN| . No tracking.
2022-11-28 09:47:26.355 ( 5.327s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:250 0| } 1.275 s: track
2022-11-28 09:47:26.355 ( 5.327s) [Stage [pose_esti] worker_thread_base.cpp:84 0| Timing [Total]: 1274 ms
2022-11-28 09:47:26.355 ( 5.327s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:482 0| Input frame buffer at 10.00%
2022-11-28 09:47:26.355 ( 5.327s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:250 0| { track
2022-11-28 09:47:26.355 ( 5.327s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:251 0| . Frame id: #1, timestamp: 1669600045497
[ INFO] [1669600046.356302055]: STAGE_NODE [pose_estimation]: Received frame.
[ INFO] [1669600046.357237584]: Image #3, image Path: /home/pyn/nanji_photo/openrealm/sys/img_0003.jpg
2022-11-28 09:47:26.810 ( 5.782s) [Publisher [pose_] pose_estimation.cpp:651 0| . Publishing pose of frame #0...
2022-11-28 09:47:27.075 ( 6.047s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:291 WARN| . No tracking.
2022-11-28 09:47:27.075 ( 6.047s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:250 0| } 0.720 s: track
2022-11-28 09:47:27.075 ( 6.047s) [Stage [pose_esti] worker_thread_base.cpp:84 0| Timing [Total]: 720 ms
2022-11-28 09:47:27.075 ( 6.047s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:482 0| Input frame buffer at 10.00%
2022-11-28 09:47:27.075 ( 6.047s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:250 0| { track
2022-11-28 09:47:27.075 ( 6.047s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:251 0| . Frame id: #2, timestamp: 1669600046211
[ INFO] [1669600047.466248947]: Image #4, image Path: /home/pyn/nanji_photo/openrealm/sys/img_0004.jpg
[ INFO] [1669600047.469479701]: STAGE_NODE [pose_estimation]: Received frame.
2022-11-28 09:47:27.812 ( 6.784s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:291 WARN| . No tracking.
2022-11-28 09:47:27.812 ( 6.784s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:250 0| } 0.737 s: track
2022-11-28 09:47:27.812 ( 6.784s) [Stage [pose_esti] worker_thread_base.cpp:84 0| Timing [Total]: 737 ms
2022-11-28 09:47:27.812 ( 6.784s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:482 0| Input frame buffer at 10.00%
2022-11-28 09:47:27.812 ( 6.784s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:250 0| { track
2022-11-28 09:47:27.812 ( 6.784s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:251 0| . Frame id: #3, timestamp: 1669600047318
2022-11-28 09:47:27.819 ( 6.791s) [Publisher [pose_] pose_estimation.cpp:651 0| . Publishing pose of frame #1...
[ INFO] [1669600048.138568836]: Image #5, image Path: /home/pyn/nanji_photo/openrealm/sys/img_0005.jpg
[ INFO] [1669600048.145277443]: STAGE_NODE [pose_estimation]: Received frame.
2022-11-28 09:47:28.587 ( 7.559s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:291 WARN| . No tracking.
2022-11-28 09:47:28.588 ( 7.559s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:250 0| } 0.776 s: track
2022-11-28 09:47:28.588 ( 7.559s) [Stage [pose_esti] worker_thread_base.cpp:84 0| Timing [Total]: 776 ms
2022-11-28 09:47:28.588 ( 7.559s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:482 0| Input frame buffer at 10.00%
2022-11-28 09:47:28.588 ( 7.559s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:250 0| { track
2022-11-28 09:47:28.588 ( 7.559s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:251 0| . Frame id: #4, timestamp: 1669600047984
2022-11-28 09:47:28.830 ( 7.802s) [Publisher [pose_] pose_estimation.cpp:651 0| . Publishing pose of frame #2...
2022-11-28 09:47:29.272 ( 8.243s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:291 WARN| . No tracking.
2022-11-28 09:47:29.272 ( 8.244s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:250 0| } 0.684 s: track
2022-11-28 09:47:29.272 ( 8.244s) [Stage [pose_esti] worker_thread_base.cpp:84 0| Timing [Total]: 684 ms
[ INFO] [1669600049.331269927]: Image #6, image Path: /home/pyn/nanji_photo/openrealm/sys/img_0006.jpg
[ INFO] [1669600049.337984053]: STAGE_NODE [pose_estimation]: Received frame.
2022-11-28 09:47:29.579 ( 8.551s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:482 0| Input frame buffer at 10.00%
2022-11-28 09:47:29.579 ( 8.551s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:250 0| { track
2022-11-28 09:47:29.579 ( 8.551s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:251 0| . Frame id: #5, timestamp: 1669600049181
2022-11-28 09:47:29.836 ( 8.808s) [Publisher [pose_] pose_estimation.cpp:651 0| . Publishing pose of frame #3...
2022-11-28 09:47:30.301 ( 9.273s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:291 WARN| . No tracking.
2022-11-28 09:47:30.302 ( 9.273s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:250 0| } 0.723 s: track
2022-11-28 09:47:30.302 ( 9.273s) [Stage [pose_esti] worker_thread_base.cpp:84 0| Timing [Total]: 723 ms
[ INFO] [1669600050.530978419]: STAGE_NODE [pose_estimation]: Received frame.
[ INFO] [1669600050.531376873]: Image #7, image Path: /home/pyn/nanji_photo/openrealm/sys/img_0007.jpg
2022-11-28 09:47:30.769 ( 9.741s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:482 0| Input frame buffer at 10.00%
2022-11-28 09:47:30.769 ( 9.741s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:250 0| { track
2022-11-28 09:47:30.769 ( 9.741s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:251 0| . Frame id: #6, timestamp: 1669600050378
2022-11-28 09:47:30.843 ( 9.815s) [Publisher [pose_] pose_estimation.cpp:651 0| . Publishing pose of frame #4...
2022-11-28 09:47:31.201 ( 10.173s) [ F111E700] stage_base.cpp:103 0| . { Stage [pose_estimation] statistics
2022-11-28 09:47:31.201 ( 10.173s) [ F111E700] stage_base.cpp:104 0| . . Total frames: 7
2022-11-28 09:47:31.201 ( 10.173s) [ F111E700] stage_base.cpp:105 0| . . Processed frames: 7
2022-11-28 09:47:31.201 ( 10.173s) [ F111E700] stage_base.cpp:106 0| . . Bad frames: 0
2022-11-28 09:47:31.201 ( 10.173s) [ F111E700] stage_base.cpp:107 0| . . Dropped frames: 0
2022-11-28 09:47:31.201 ( 10.173s) [ F111E700] stage_base.cpp:108 0| . . Fps in: 0.00
2022-11-28 09:47:31.201 ( 10.173s) [ F111E700] stage_base.cpp:109 0| . . Fps out: 0.00
2022-11-28 09:47:31.201 ( 10.173s) [ F111E700] stage_base.cpp:103 0| . } 0.000 s: Stage [pose_estimation] statistics
2022-11-28 09:47:31.215 ( 10.187s) [ 29526700] stage_base.cpp:103 0| { Stage [surface_generation] statistics
2022-11-28 09:47:31.215 ( 10.187s) [ 29526700] stage_base.cpp:104 0| . Total frames: 0
2022-11-28 09:47:31.215 ( 10.187s) [ 29526700] stage_base.cpp:105 0| . Processed frames: 0
2022-11-28 09:47:31.215 ( 10.187s) [ 29526700] stage_base.cpp:106 0| . Bad frames: 0
2022-11-28 09:47:31.215 ( 10.187s) [ 29526700] stage_base.cpp:107 0| . Dropped frames: 0
2022-11-28 09:47:31.215 ( 10.187s) [ 29526700] stage_base.cpp:108 0| . Fps in: 0.00
2022-11-28 09:47:31.215 ( 10.187s) [ 29526700] stage_base.cpp:109 0| . Fps out: 0.00
2022-11-28 09:47:31.215 ( 10.187s) [ 29526700] stage_base.cpp:103 0| } 0.000 s: Stage [surface_generation] statistics
2022-11-28 09:47:31.220 ( 10.191s) [ BADE3700] stage_base.cpp:103 0| { Stage [ortho_rectification] statistics
2022-11-28 09:47:31.220 ( 10.191s) [ BADE3700] stage_base.cpp:104 0| . Total frames: 0
2022-11-28 09:47:31.220 ( 10.192s) [ BADE3700] stage_base.cpp:105 0| . Processed frames: 0
2022-11-28 09:47:31.220 ( 10.192s) [ BADE3700] stage_base.cpp:106 0| . Bad frames: 0
2022-11-28 09:47:31.220 ( 10.192s) [ BADE3700] stage_base.cpp:107 0| . Dropped frames: 0
2022-11-28 09:47:31.220 ( 10.192s) [ BADE3700] stage_base.cpp:108 0| . Fps in: 0.00
2022-11-28 09:47:31.220 ( 10.192s) [ BADE3700] stage_base.cpp:109 0| . Fps out: 0.00
2022-11-28 09:47:31.220 ( 10.192s) [ BADE3700] stage_base.cpp:103 0| } 0.000 s: Stage [ortho_rectification] statistics
2022-11-28 09:47:31.220 ( 10.192s) [ 26BD7700] stage_base.cpp:103 0| { Stage [mosaicing] statistics
2022-11-28 09:47:31.220 ( 10.192s) [ 26BD7700] stage_base.cpp:104 0| . Total frames: 0
2022-11-28 09:47:31.220 ( 10.192s) [ 26BD7700] stage_base.cpp:105 0| . Processed frames: 0
2022-11-28 09:47:31.220 ( 10.192s) [ 26BD7700] stage_base.cpp:106 0| . Bad frames: 0
2022-11-28 09:47:31.220 ( 10.192s) [ 26BD7700] stage_base.cpp:107 0| . Dropped frames: 0
2022-11-28 09:47:31.220 ( 10.192s) [ 26BD7700] stage_base.cpp:108 0| . Fps in: 0.00
2022-11-28 09:47:31.220 ( 10.192s) [ 26BD7700] stage_base.cpp:109 0| . Fps out: 0.00
2022-11-28 09:47:31.220 ( 10.192s) [ 26BD7700] stage_base.cpp:103 0| } 0.000 s: Stage [mosaicing] statistics
[ INFO] [1669600051.329640747]: Image #8, image Path: /home/pyn/nanji_photo/openrealm/sys/img_0008.jpg
[ INFO] [1669600051.331009235]: STAGE_NODE [pose_estimation]: Received frame.
2022-11-28 09:47:31.495 ( 10.466s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:291 WARN| . No tracking.
2022-11-28 09:47:31.495 ( 10.467s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:250 0| } 0.726 s: track
2022-11-28 09:47:31.495 ( 10.467s) [Stage [pose_esti] worker_thread_base.cpp:84 0| Timing [Total]: 726 ms
2022-11-28 09:47:31.570 ( 10.542s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:482 0| Input frame buffer at 10.00%
2022-11-28 09:47:31.570 ( 10.542s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:250 0| { track
2022-11-28 09:47:31.570 ( 10.542s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:251 0| . Frame id: #7, timestamp: 1669600051181
2022-11-28 09:47:31.849 ( 10.821s) [Publisher [pose_] pose_estimation.cpp:651 0| . Publishing pose of frame #5...
2022-11-28 09:47:32.260 ( 11.232s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:291 WARN| . No tracking.
2022-11-28 09:47:32.260 ( 11.232s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:250 0| } 0.690 s: track
2022-11-28 09:47:32.260 ( 11.232s) [Stage [pose_esti] worker_thread_base.cpp:84 0| Timing [Total]: 690 ms
[ INFO] [1669600052.636833299]: Image #9, image Path: /home/pyn/nanji_photo/openrealm/sys/img_0009.jpg
[ INFO] [1669600052.641501235]: STAGE_NODE [pose_estimation]: Received frame.
2022-11-28 09:47:32.856 ( 11.828s) [Publisher [pose_] pose_estimation.cpp:651 0| Publishing pose of frame #6...
2022-11-28 09:47:32.879 ( 11.851s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:482 0| Input frame buffer at 10.00%
2022-11-28 09:47:32.879 ( 11.851s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:250 0| { track
2022-11-28 09:47:32.879 ( 11.851s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:251 0| . Frame id: #8, timestamp: 1669600052489
[ INFO] [1669600053.532837916]: Image #10, image Path: /home/pyn/nanji_photo/openrealm/sys/img_0010.jpg
[ INFO] [1669600053.540438962]: STAGE_NODE [pose_estimation]: Received frame.
2022-11-28 09:47:33.597 ( 12.569s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:291 WARN| . No tracking.
2022-11-28 09:47:33.597 ( 12.569s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:250 0| } 0.719 s: track
2022-11-28 09:47:33.597 ( 12.569s) [Stage [pose_esti] worker_thread_base.cpp:84 0| Timing [Total]: 718 ms
2022-11-28 09:47:33.783 ( 12.755s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:482 0| Input frame buffer at 10.00%
2022-11-28 09:47:33.783 ( 12.755s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:169 0| Buffer [all, init, publish]: 0, 0, 2
2022-11-28 09:47:33.783 ( 12.755s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:250 0| { track
2022-11-28 09:47:33.783 ( 12.755s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:251 0| . Frame id: #9, timestamp: 1669600053382
2022-11-28 09:47:33.864 ( 12.835s) [Publisher [pose_] pose_estimation.cpp:651 0| . Publishing pose of frame #7...
[ INFO] [1669600054.362349477]: Image #11, image Path: /home/pyn/nanji_photo/openrealm/sys/img_0011.jpg
[ INFO] [1669600054.364782710]: STAGE_NODE [pose_estimation]: Received frame.
2022-11-28 09:47:34.547 ( 13.519s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:291 WARN| . No tracking.
2022-11-28 09:47:34.547 ( 13.519s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:250 0| } 0.764 s: track
2022-11-28 09:47:34.547 ( 13.519s) [Stage [pose_esti] worker_thread_base.cpp:84 0| Timing [Total]: 764 ms
2022-11-28 09:47:34.609 ( 13.581s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:482 0| Input frame buffer at 10.00%
2022-11-28 09:47:34.609 ( 13.581s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:250 0| { track
2022-11-28 09:47:34.609 ( 13.581s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:251 0| . Frame id: #10, timestamp: 1669600054213
2022-11-28 09:47:34.870 ( 13.842s) [Publisher [pose_] pose_estimation.cpp:651 0| . Publishing pose of frame #8...
[ INFO] [1669600055.217202483]: Image #12, image Path: /home/pyn/nanji_photo/openrealm/sys/img_0012.jpg
[ INFO] [1669600055.221071483]: STAGE_NODE [pose_estimation]: Received frame.
2022-11-28 09:47:35.417 ( 14.389s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:291 WARN| . No tracking.
2022-11-28 09:47:35.417 ( 14.389s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:250 0| } 0.808 s: track
2022-11-28 09:47:35.417 ( 14.389s) [Stage [pose_esti] worker_thread_base.cpp:84 0| Timing [Total]: 808 ms
2022-11-28 09:47:35.468 ( 14.440s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:482 0| Input frame buffer at 10.00%
2022-11-28 09:47:35.468 ( 14.440s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:250 0| { track
2022-11-28 09:47:35.468 ( 14.440s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:251 0| . Frame id: #11, timestamp: 1669600055066
2022-11-28 09:47:35.877 ( 14.849s) [Publisher [pose_] pose_estimation.cpp:651 0| . Publishing pose of frame #9...
[ INFO] [1669600056.220531214]: Image #13, image Path: /home/pyn/nanji_photo/openrealm/sys/img_0013.jpg
[ INFO] [1669600056.229801626]: STAGE_NODE [pose_estimation]: Received frame.
2022-11-28 09:47:36.307 ( 15.279s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:291 WARN| . No tracking.
2022-11-28 09:47:36.307 ( 15.279s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:250 0| } 0.839 s: track
2022-11-28 09:47:36.307 ( 15.279s) [Stage [pose_esti] worker_thread_base.cpp:84 0| Timing [Total]: 839 ms
2022-11-28 09:47:36.478 ( 15.450s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:482 0| Input frame buffer at 10.00%
2022-11-28 09:47:36.478 ( 15.450s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:250 0| { track
2022-11-28 09:47:36.478 ( 15.450s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:251 0| . Frame id: #12, timestamp: 1669600056067
2022-11-28 09:47:36.884 ( 15.856s) [Publisher [pose_] pose_estimation.cpp:651 0| . Publishing pose of frame #10...
2022-11-28 09:47:37.326 ( 16.298s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:291 WARN| . No tracking.
2022-11-28 09:47:37.326 ( 16.298s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:250 0| } 0.848 s: track
2022-11-28 09:47:37.326 ( 16.298s) [Stage [pose_esti] worker_thread_base.cpp:84 0| Timing [Total]: 848 ms
[ INFO] [1669600057.389909501]: Image #14, image Path: /home/pyn/nanji_photo/openrealm/sys/img_0014.jpg
[ INFO] [1669600057.390229815]: STAGE_NODE [pose_estimation]: Received frame.
2022-11-28 09:47:37.642 ( 16.614s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:482 0| Input frame buffer at 10.00%
2022-11-28 09:47:37.642 ( 16.614s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:250 0| { track
2022-11-28 09:47:37.642 ( 16.614s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:251 0| . Frame id: #13, timestamp: 1669600057237
[ INFO] [1669600057.742861934]: Image #15, image Path: /home/pyn/nanji_photo/openrealm/sys/img_0015.jpg
[ INFO] [1669600057.744704926]: STAGE_NODE [pose_estimation]: Received frame.
2022-11-28 09:47:37.891 ( 16.863s) [Publisher [pose_] pose_estimation.cpp:651 0| . Publishing pose of frame #11...
[ INFO] [1669600058.060561695]: Image #16, image Path: /home/pyn/nanji_photo/openrealm/sys/img_0016.jpg
[ INFO] [1669600058.068995327]: STAGE_NODE [pose_estimation]: Received frame.
[ INFO] [1669600058.370443148]: Image #17, image Path: /home/pyn/nanji_photo/openrealm/sys/img_0017.jpg
[ INFO] [1669600058.375140168]: STAGE_NODE [pose_estimation]: Received frame.
2022-11-28 09:47:38.581 ( 17.553s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:291 WARN| . No tracking.
2022-11-28 09:47:38.581 ( 17.553s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:250 0| } 0.939 s: track
2022-11-28 09:47:38.581 ( 17.553s) [Stage [pose_esti] worker_thread_base.cpp:84 0| Timing [Total]: 939 ms
2022-11-28 09:47:38.581 ( 17.553s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:482 0| Input frame buffer at 20.00%
2022-11-28 09:47:38.581 ( 17.553s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:250 0| { track
2022-11-28 09:47:38.581 ( 17.553s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:251 0| . Frame id: #14, timestamp: 1669600057578
[ INFO] [1669600058.691302443]: Image #18, image Path: /home/pyn/nanji_photo/openrealm/sys/img_0018.jpg
[ INFO] [1669600058.693112855]: STAGE_NODE [pose_estimation]: Received frame.
2022-11-28 09:47:38.898 ( 17.870s) [Publisher [pose_] pose_estimation.cpp:651 0| . Publishing pose of frame #12...
[ INFO] [1669600059.064714562]: Image #19, image Path: /home/pyn/nanji_photo/openrealm/sys/img_0019.jpg
[ INFO] [1669600059.071801240]: STAGE_NODE [pose_estimation]: Received frame.
2022-11-28 09:47:39.477 ( 18.449s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:291 WARN| . No tracking.
2022-11-28 09:47:39.477 ( 18.449s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:250 0| } 0.896 s: track
2022-11-28 09:47:39.477 ( 18.449s) [Stage [pose_esti] worker_thread_base.cpp:84 0| Timing [Total]: 896 ms
2022-11-28 09:47:39.477 ( 18.449s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:482 0| Input frame buffer at 40.00%
2022-11-28 09:47:39.477 ( 18.449s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:250 0| { track
2022-11-28 09:47:39.477 ( 18.449s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:251 0| . Frame id: #15, timestamp: 1669600057908
2022-11-28 09:47:39.906 ( 18.878s) [Publisher [pose_] pose_estimation.cpp:651 0| . Publishing pose of frame #13...
[ INFO] [1669600060.293637933]: Image #20, image Path: /home/pyn/nanji_photo/openrealm/sys/img_0020.jpg
[ INFO] [1669600060.300086461]: STAGE_NODE [pose_estimation]: Received frame.
2022-11-28 09:47:40.317 ( 19.289s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:282 WARN| . Lost tracking while initializing georeferencing, resetting VSLAM to reacquire reference...
2022-11-28 09:47:40.317 ( 19.289s) [Stage [pose_esti] open_vslam.cpp:185 0| . Reseting visual SLAM...
2022-11-28 09:47:40.317 ( 19.289s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:291 WARN| . No tracking.
2022-11-28 09:47:40.317 ( 19.289s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:250 0| } 0.840 s: track
2022-11-28 09:47:40.317 ( 19.289s) [Stage [pose_esti] worker_thread_base.cpp:84 0| Timing [Total]: 840 ms
2022-11-28 09:47:40.317 ( 19.289s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:482 0| Input frame buffer at 30.00%
2022-11-28 09:47:40.317 ( 19.289s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:250 0| { track
2022-11-28 09:47:40.317 ( 19.289s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:251 0| . Frame id: #16, timestamp: 1669600058218
[2022-11-28 09:47:40.353] [info] resetting system
[2022-11-28 09:47:40.356] [info] reset mapping module
[2022-11-28 09:47:40.360] [info] reset global optimization module
[2022-11-28 09:47:40.363] [info] clear BoW database
[2022-11-28 09:47:40.363] [info] clear map database
2022-11-28 09:47:40.912 ( 19.884s) [Publisher [pose_] pose_estimation.cpp:651 0| . Publishing pose of frame #14...
2022-11-28 09:47:41.144 ( 20.116s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:291 WARN| . No tracking.
2022-11-28 09:47:41.144 ( 20.116s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:250 0| } 0.827 s: track
2022-11-28 09:47:41.144 ( 20.116s) [Stage [pose_esti] worker_thread_base.cpp:84 0| Timing [Total]: 827 ms
2022-11-28 09:47:41.144 ( 20.116s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:482 0| Input frame buffer at 30.00%
2022-11-28 09:47:41.144 ( 20.116s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:250 0| { track
2022-11-28 09:47:41.144 ( 20.116s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:251 0| . Frame id: #17, timestamp: 1669600058523
2022-11-28 09:47:41.201 ( 20.173s) [ F111E700] stage_base.cpp:103 0| . { Stage [pose_estimation] statistics
2022-11-28 09:47:41.201 ( 20.173s) [ F111E700] stage_base.cpp:104 0| . . Total frames: 20
2022-11-28 09:47:41.201 ( 20.173s) [ F111E700] stage_base.cpp:105 0| . . Processed frames: 18
2022-11-28 09:47:41.201 ( 20.173s) [ F111E700] stage_base.cpp:106 0| . . Bad frames: 0
2022-11-28 09:47:41.201 ( 20.173s) [ F111E700] stage_base.cpp:107 0| . . Dropped frames: 0
2022-11-28 09:47:41.201 ( 20.173s) [ F111E700] stage_base.cpp:108 0| . . Fps in: 0.70
2022-11-28 09:47:41.201 ( 20.173s) [ F111E700] stage_base.cpp:109 0| . . Fps out: 0.00
2022-11-28 09:47:41.201 ( 20.173s) [ F111E700] stage_base.cpp:103 0| . } 0.000 s: Stage [pose_estimation] statistics
2022-11-28 09:47:41.215 ( 20.187s) [ 29526700] stage_base.cpp:103 0| { Stage [surface_generation] statistics
2022-11-28 09:47:41.215 ( 20.187s) [ 29526700] stage_base.cpp:104 0| . Total frames: 0
2022-11-28 09:47:41.215 ( 20.187s) [ 29526700] stage_base.cpp:105 0| . Processed frames: 0
2022-11-28 09:47:41.215 ( 20.187s) [ 29526700] stage_base.cpp:106 0| . Bad frames: 0
2022-11-28 09:47:41.215 ( 20.187s) [ 29526700] stage_base.cpp:107 0| . Dropped frames: 0
2022-11-28 09:47:41.215 ( 20.187s) [ 29526700] stage_base.cpp:108 0| . Fps in: 0.00
2022-11-28 09:47:41.215 ( 20.187s) [ 29526700] stage_base.cpp:109 0| . Fps out: 0.00
2022-11-28 09:47:41.215 ( 20.187s) [ 29526700] stage_base.cpp:103 0| } 0.000 s: Stage [surface_generation] statistics
2022-11-28 09:47:41.220 ( 20.192s) [ BADE3700] stage_base.cpp:103 0| { Stage [ortho_rectification] statistics
2022-11-28 09:47:41.220 ( 20.192s) [ BADE3700] stage_base.cpp:104 0| . Total frames: 0
2022-11-28 09:47:41.220 ( 20.192s) [ BADE3700] stage_base.cpp:105 0| . Processed frames: 0
2022-11-28 09:47:41.220 ( 20.192s) [ BADE3700] stage_base.cpp:106 0| . Bad frames: 0
2022-11-28 09:47:41.220 ( 20.192s) [ BADE3700] stage_base.cpp:107 0| . Dropped frames: 0
2022-11-28 09:47:41.220 ( 20.192s) [ BADE3700] stage_base.cpp:108 0| . Fps in: 0.00
2022-11-28 09:47:41.220 ( 20.192s) [ BADE3700] stage_base.cpp:109 0| . Fps out: 0.00
2022-11-28 09:47:41.220 ( 20.192s) [ BADE3700] stage_base.cpp:103 0| } 0.000 s: Stage [ortho_rectification] statistics
2022-11-28 09:47:41.220 ( 20.192s) [ 26BD7700] stage_base.cpp:103 0| { Stage [mosaicing] statistics
2022-11-28 09:47:41.220 ( 20.192s) [ 26BD7700] stage_base.cpp:104 0| . Total frames: 0
2022-11-28 09:47:41.220 ( 20.192s) [ 26BD7700] stage_base.cpp:105 0| . Processed frames: 0
2022-11-28 09:47:41.220 ( 20.192s) [ 26BD7700] stage_base.cpp:106 0| . Bad frames: 0
2022-11-28 09:47:41.220 ( 20.192s) [ 26BD7700] stage_base.cpp:107 0| . Dropped frames: 0
2022-11-28 09:47:41.220 ( 20.192s) [ 26BD7700] stage_base.cpp:108 0| . Fps in: 0.00
2022-11-28 09:47:41.220 ( 20.192s) [ 26BD7700] stage_base.cpp:109 0| . Fps out: 0.00
2022-11-28 09:47:41.220 ( 20.192s) [ 26BD7700] stage_base.cpp:103 0| } 0.000 s: Stage [mosaicing] statistics
[ INFO] [1669600061.469106661]: Image #21, image Path: /home/pyn/nanji_photo/openrealm/sys/img_0021.jpg
[ INFO] [1669600061.476754216]: STAGE_NODE [pose_estimation]: Received frame.
2022-11-28 09:47:41.915 ( 20.887s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:291 WARN| . No tracking.
2022-11-28 09:47:41.915 ( 20.887s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:250 0| } 0.771 s: track
2022-11-28 09:47:41.915 ( 20.887s) [Stage [pose_esti] worker_thread_base.cpp:84 0| Timing [Total]: 771 ms
2022-11-28 09:47:41.915 ( 20.887s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:482 0| Input frame buffer at 30.00%
2022-11-28 09:47:41.915 ( 20.887s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:250 0| { track
2022-11-28 09:47:41.915 ( 20.887s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:251 0| . Frame id: #18, timestamp: 1669600058910
2022-11-28 09:47:41.919 ( 20.890s) [Publisher [pose_] pose_estimation.cpp:651 0| . Publishing pose of frame #15...
[ INFO] [1669600062.422669054]: Image #22, image Path: /home/pyn/nanji_photo/openrealm/sys/img_0022.jpg
[ INFO] [1669600062.430622972]: STAGE_NODE [pose_estimation]: Received frame.
2022-11-28 09:47:42.680 ( 21.652s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:291 WARN| . No tracking.
2022-11-28 09:47:42.680 ( 21.652s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:250 0| } 0.765 s: track
2022-11-28 09:47:42.680 ( 21.652s) [Stage [pose_esti] worker_thread_base.cpp:84 0| Timing [Total]: 765 ms
2022-11-28 09:47:42.680 ( 21.652s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:482 0| Input frame buffer at 30.00%
2022-11-28 09:47:42.680 ( 21.652s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:169 0| Buffer [all, init, publish]: 0, 0, 3
2022-11-28 09:47:42.680 ( 21.652s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:250 0| { track
2022-11-28 09:47:42.680 ( 21.652s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:251 0| . Frame id: #19, timestamp: 1669600060140
2022-11-28 09:47:42.927 ( 21.899s) [Publisher [pose_] pose_estimation.cpp:651 0| . Publishing pose of frame #16...
[ INFO] [1669600063.162010950]: STAGE_NODE [pose_estimation]: Received frame.
[ INFO] [1669600063.162254074]: Image #23, image Path: /home/pyn/nanji_photo/openrealm/sys/img_0023.jpg
2022-11-28 09:47:43.432 ( 22.404s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:291 WARN| . No tracking.
2022-11-28 09:47:43.433 ( 22.404s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:250 0| } 0.752 s: track
2022-11-28 09:47:43.433 ( 22.404s) [Stage [pose_esti] worker_thread_base.cpp:84 0| Timing [Total]: 753 ms
2022-11-28 09:47:43.433 ( 22.404s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:482 0| Input frame buffer at 30.00%
2022-11-28 09:47:43.433 ( 22.404s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:250 0| { track
2022-11-28 09:47:43.433 ( 22.404s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:251 0| . Frame id: #20, timestamp: 1669600061317
[ INFO] [1669600063.722878147]: Image #24, image Path: /home/pyn/nanji_photo/openrealm/sys/img_0024.jpg
[ INFO] [1669600063.731199802]: STAGE_NODE [pose_estimation]: Received frame.
2022-11-28 09:47:43.933 ( 22.905s) [Publisher [pose_] pose_estimation.cpp:651 0| . Publishing pose of frame #17...
2022-11-28 09:47:44.193 ( 23.164s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:291 WARN| . No tracking.
2022-11-28 09:47:44.193 ( 23.165s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:250 0| } 0.760 s: track
2022-11-28 09:47:44.193 ( 23.165s) [Stage [pose_esti] worker_thread_base.cpp:84 0| Timing [Total]: 760 ms
2022-11-28 09:47:44.193 ( 23.165s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:482 0| Input frame buffer at 30.00%
2022-11-28 09:47:44.193 ( 23.165s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:250 0| { track
2022-11-28 09:47:44.193 ( 23.165s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:251 0| . Frame id: #21, timestamp: 1669600062271
[ INFO] [1669600064.872967777]: Image #25, image Path: /home/pyn/nanji_photo/openrealm/sys/img_0025.jpg
[ INFO] [1669600064.880255429]: STAGE_NODE [pose_estimation]: Received frame.
2022-11-28 09:47:44.940 ( 23.912s) [Publisher [pose_] pose_estimation.cpp:651 0| . Publishing pose of frame #18...
2022-11-28 09:47:44.954 ( 23.926s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:291 WARN| . No tracking.
2022-11-28 09:47:44.954 ( 23.926s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:250 0| } 0.761 s: track
2022-11-28 09:47:44.954 ( 23.926s) [Stage [pose_esti] worker_thread_base.cpp:84 0| Timing [Total]: 761 ms
2022-11-28 09:47:44.954 ( 23.926s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:482 0| Input frame buffer at 20.00%
2022-11-28 09:47:44.954 ( 23.926s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:250 0| { track
2022-11-28 09:47:44.954 ( 23.926s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:251 0| . Frame id: #22, timestamp: 1669600063011
2022-11-28 09:47:45.759 ( 24.731s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:291 WARN| . No tracking.
2022-11-28 09:47:45.760 ( 24.731s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:250 0| } 0.806 s: track
2022-11-28 09:47:45.760 ( 24.731s) [Stage [pose_esti] worker_thread_base.cpp:84 0| Timing [Total]: 806 ms
2022-11-28 09:47:45.760 ( 24.732s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:482 0| Input frame buffer at 20.00%
2022-11-28 09:47:45.760 ( 24.732s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:250 0| { track
2022-11-28 09:47:45.760 ( 24.732s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:251 0| . Frame id: #23, timestamp: 1669600063572
[ INFO] [1669600065.937838835]: Image #26, image Path: /home/pyn/nanji_photo/openrealm/sys/img_0026.jpg
[ INFO] [1669600065.939590694]: STAGE_NODE [pose_estimation]: Received frame.
2022-11-28 09:47:45.948 ( 24.920s) [Publisher [pose_] pose_estimation.cpp:651 0| . Publishing pose of frame #19...
2022-11-28 09:47:46.545 ( 25.517s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:291 WARN| . No tracking.
2022-11-28 09:47:46.546 ( 25.518s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:250 0| } 0.786 s: track
2022-11-28 09:47:46.546 ( 25.518s) [Stage [pose_esti] worker_thread_base.cpp:84 0| Timing [Total]: 786 ms
2022-11-28 09:47:46.546 ( 25.518s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:482 0| Input frame buffer at 20.00%
2022-11-28 09:47:46.546 ( 25.518s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:250 0| { track
2022-11-28 09:47:46.546 ( 25.518s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:251 0| . Frame id: #24, timestamp: 1669600064720
2022-11-28 09:47:46.955 ( 25.927s) [Publisher [pose_] pose_estimation.cpp:651 0| . Publishing pose of frame #20...
^C[rviz-7] killing on exit
[realm_mosaicing-6] killing on exit
[realm_ortho_rectification-5] killing on exit
[realm_surface_generation-4] killing on exit
[realm_pose_estimation-3] killing on exit
[realm_exiv2_grabber-2] killing on exit
2022-11-28 09:47:47.288 ( 26.260s) [Stage [pose_esti] pose_estimation.cpp:291 WARN| . No tracking.

thanks a lot!

And in the image window of RVIZ, I can see the photos ,but it seems that there are no feature points detected:


@pyn1998 Hey, glad you like OpenREALM. It is very likely, that something in your setup is causing trouble. What frame rate does your camera / dataset have? How fast do you fly? And did you provide OpenREALM with the camera intrinsics? You must be very careful with all of that. Under the roof we use a visual SLAM (OpenVSLAM) which requires a certain image quality and high overlap between consecutive images (>90%). Also it takes some tuning of the pipeline parameters to get the results you want.

@pyn1998 Hey, glad you like OpenREALM. It is very likely, that something in your setup is causing trouble. What frame rate does your camera / dataset have? How fast do you fly? And did you provide OpenREALM with the camera intrinsics? You must be very careful with all of that. Under the roof we use a visual SLAM (OpenVSLAM) which requires a certain image quality and high overlap between consecutive images (>90%). Also it takes some tuning of the pipeline parameters to get the results you want.

Thank you for your professional and detailed reply! My dataset has 80%/60% overlap,appears that it's not enough for openvslam; and I have already provide OpenREALM with my camera intrinsics.As for the fly speed ,I'm no sure about that at this moment,could you please tell me what's the proper range of fly speed?And does the flypath matter the ortho result?I have some other dataset which flew in a unarranged path ,it can not get a satisfied result,either.
By the way,by changing another dataset which has higher overlap,I got the ortho result showed in the RVIZ, so it must be the problem of my dataset.
Thank you for your reply and your work,again!

@pyn1998 The flight path does not matter too much except for completeness of the result. Also when flying lawnmower pattern the overall integrity should be better due to better geometry of triangulation. But results should be shown in any case.

There is no universal rule what works and what not unfortunately. It very much depends on the image quality and the reproducibility of the features. This is really hard to identify as human and also depends very much on the feature extractor / matcher. The more overlap you can provide, the better! At best, test some configurations (frame rate, altitude, flight speed) with your specific hardware and tune the pipeline to it. Then use this config for other flights.

Reopen if questions / problems persist.