Add freesurfer and brainvoyager options to LN2_RIMIFY

Opened this issue · 2 comments

There are requests to easily convert such segmentation files (e.g. whole brain) to LayNii rim format and use e.g. LN2_LAYERS.
Therefore, I want to add two convenience flags to LN2_RIMIFY:

  • freesurfer (aseg)
  • brainvoyager (100 & 150, 240 & 243)

I agree, this would be very useful for many people.
I think the relabeling of segmentation valued from freesurfer might be relatively straight forward. The harder part might be to have a documentation about how to convert freesurfer surfaces in freesurfer-space to the EPI space of functional slab protocols. I am not sure if you also envision the latter part?

The harder part might be to have a documentation about how to convert freesurfer surfaces in freesurfer-space to the EPI space of functional slab protocols. I am not sure if you also envision the latter part?

I was planning to implement the easy part (relabeling of each voxel). So I am not planning to look into converting the surfaces. At least not within the scope of LN2_RIMIFY right now.