- 0
From require to import!?
#109 opened by blaasvaer - 9
Overridden namescape
#56 opened by diegoleme - 4
- 3
Absent filenames after pipe with gulp-handlebars
#91 opened by satfx - 2
Extension-changing broken with gulp@3.x
#89 opened by spencer-brown - 2
Deprecated libs and vunerability detected
#87 opened by wbotelhos - 1
Replace deprecated dependency gulp-util
#88 opened by TheDancingCode - 3
Precompile loses expressions
#77 opened by methodbox - 1
please add example for working with htmlbars
#73 opened by bshack - 1
- 3
Please, provide example of how to have matching compiler and runtime versions of this.
#79 opened by blaasvaer - 1
Mismatching version compiler/runtime?
#69 opened by blaasvaer - 11
Errors while using with ember-handlebars
#41 opened by kay-is - 1
Reverse block templates error out
#86 opened by internette - 2
- 6
use handlebars 4.0
#84 opened by yaodingyd - 4
- 1
Allow Gulp Watch to Continue
#82 opened by mrforsythexeter - 1
- 1
pre-compile happen version error
#80 opened by kuangpeng - 4
{{> partialName}} not working?
#78 opened by blaasvaer - 30
Handlebars 4.0.0
#61 opened by ghusse - 1
Inline partials - parse error
#76 opened by dimti - 8
gulp-wrap 0.12.0 breaks the example under "Compiling using a specific Handlebars version"
#74 opened by qodesmith - 1
SyntaxError in compiled code
#71 opened by designeng - 1
- 0
Precompile partials using path.basename()
#68 opened by joshbezdek - 1
- 1
No helper support?
#66 opened by wandererfrog - 1
- 1
No way to precompile custom helpers
#64 opened by puopg - 8
#63 opened by LongJeongS - 6
- 0
- 1
4.0.0 version on npmjs,the index.js content is not equal to the github index.js file.
#59 opened by Rayi - 1
- 0
- 2
- 0
Require runtime only?
#52 opened by jakearchibald - 6
gulp-define-module require by option
#50 opened by JesseFarebro - 2
- 8
Support for Handlebars 3.0.0?
#47 opened by burkhartt - 0
Bundle handlebars@3.0.0 by default
#48 opened by lazd - 3
Templates override eachother
#46 opened by jisaacks - 1
[Enhancement] gulp-define-module default options
#45 opened by mattma - 12
Rename to "gulp-handlebars-precompile"
#42 opened by kflorence - 3
Feature Request: Helpers
#39 opened by MrGRA - 2
Document partial precompilation
#40 opened by lazd - 0
Consider adding .npmignore file
#38 opened by hakubo - 1
File Path on Error
#37 opened by shellscape