An Activity-based Multi-modal Mobility Scenario Generator for SUMO. This project is available in the Eclipse SUMO contributed tools section ( under the name SAGA (SUMO Activity GenerAtion).
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The problem of generating traffic flow in one day
#50 opened by nudtdyk - 5
TAZ generation problem
#49 opened by nudtdyk - 3
Unable to build current osm file
#48 opened by Trinity-SYT-SECURITY - 4
PT routes are not found and raises sagaexceptions.TripGenerationGenericError
#45 opened by colton-nevs - 1
Using additional data
#43 opened by martindotlindner - 1
Include demographic data to SAGA
#26 opened by shift-Jaegger - 1
Issues with bikes using bike paths
#29 opened by DANIOM97 - 0
Taxi fleet
#22 opened by lcodeca - 4
Error with pedestrians while calling SUMO
#28 opened by anjackq - 4
FILE NOT FIND: "saga/defaults/default-gui.xml"
#27 opened by anjackq - 1
- 1
Improving documentation.
#20 opened by lcodeca - 3
Problem with running the
#23 opened by aminissn - 0
Intermodal Planning
#21 opened by lcodeca - 3
Traci could not connect in
#19 opened by Shiyunyang-seu - 4
Implement Taxi Generation
#12 opened by abrac - 3
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Allowing generated traffic to park on road-side
#14 opened by abrac - 2
Compatibility with SUMO 1.5/1.6
#11 opened by abrac - 3
Issues with non-starting persons
#10 opened by schwepmo - 2
How to make activitygen create a continuous multi day travel plan (differentiate between weekday and weekend)
#9 opened by Shiyunyang-seu - 1
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The output.summary.xml is unreasonable
#8 opened by Shiyunyang-seu - 3
The error in taz.xml
#6 opened by Shiyunyang-seu - 7
- 0
vehicle cannot stop on the lane
#5 opened by lcodeca - 1
parkingArea rerouters improvements
#1 opened by lcodeca - 2
Buildings to TAZ association improvements
#3 opened by lcodeca - 0
Smart TAZ aggregation.
#2 opened by lcodeca