An Activity-based Multi-modal Mobility Scenario Generator for SUMO. This project is available in the Eclipse SUMO contributed tools section ( under the name SAGA (SUMO Activity GenerAtion).
- abracStellenbosch University
- afhuertassFinland
- afonsomotaIST - Instituto Superior Técnico
- Al-Wang
- ambuehllTranscality
- anjackqTechnical University Kaiserslautern
- belikhovdUniversity of Wuppertal
- bmbamdadTransport & Mobility Leuven
- divergent63
- georgewanglz2019
- ifs5
- Imperialpiggy
- jannismaincodecentric
- javicacheiroCESGA
- Klaytuo东南大学
- laurayuzheng
- lcodecaTrinity College Dublin
- ldx1995
- lyselott
- M-ColleyUCL
- mlaecheleGermany
- mustafaroshdi
- okvBabbel
- Oliver-Redeyoff
- orifki
- ramu13
- sage-otshudi-oks
- ShaunHowell
- smjkearns
- sxydBeijing
- thenuwantbBoffin Institute of Data Science
- XuanlinZengTongji University
- yanncauchepinGrenoble Area, France
- youcefkerFrance
- yxu138MIT
- zhenzhen19936