- 1
- 0
Order-of-operations confusion when using augmented assignment and length operator
#457 opened by Grissess - 0
Make it transpile from Lua back to Moonscript
#456 opened by DeusMaveriX - 1
any benchmark on moonscript usage?
#455 opened by sprappcom - 1
Non blocking input in terminal is not possible ?
#454 opened by asciibene - 0
new release
#453 opened by teto - 1
Add "Prompt" function for user input
#452 opened by MHippo - 0
- 1
destructing assignment works wrong with for generator
#449 opened by INoorik - 0
moonc doesnt output to -t when using -w
#450 opened by NeonFXFusion - 0
Syntax error should throw for invalid interpolation
#448 opened by leafo - 0
How to use latest version of code on Windows?
#447 opened by gamagan - 0
Is it possible to add utf 8 support for names ?
#446 opened by vega0 - 1
- 4
- 4
- 3
NOT compatible with lua 5.1
#444 opened by badiku - 2
installing moonscript bug
#443 opened by Vincent-vst - 5
"Read from stdin" broken in moonc
#431 opened by Sharparam - 0
Support for "goto" method
#442 opened by mbekkomo - 5
- 0
The option --output-to works in a weird way. It creates the source directory inside the target directory.
#438 opened by Industrial - 3
In-place appending an item to an array
#420 opened by bpj - 9
- 1
- 1
Fill operator
#435 opened by K4rakara - 2
no long comments?
#437 opened by ghoomfrog - 1
Error: Module "alt_getopt" not found
#439 opened by gideongrinberg - 6
How to use lua's `load` function
#434 opened by sucrecacao - 1
self documenting function
#433 opened by sucrecacao - 0
Add dark theme to
#430 opened by vitaly-zdanevich - 0
- 1
Compile error: transformer.lua:23: table index is nil
#428 opened by linkpy - 0
- 0
Destructuring in function parameters
#424 opened by qtnc - 2
Named slices
#423 opened by bpj - 2
How can I make a named function?
#422 opened by alxgnon - 2
- 2
Building Moonscript as an executable on Windows
#418 opened by codecat - 0
- 0
- 1
Not enough memory
#412 opened by Vm900 - 1
- 0
Error Reporting: Slicing without *
#409 opened by s-ol - 9
- 1
Comments in switch body cause parse error
#406 opened by s-ol - 2
- 0
Syntax caveats when using List Comprehensions
#403 opened by strait - 0
Support for Lua 5.4 attributes
#402 opened by gonzalezjo - 0
Do windows build with github actions
#401 opened by leafo