
A ROS1 package designed to tackle the Diligent Robotics Home task.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Diligent Home Task

Python ROS

A ROS1 package designed to tackle the Diligent Robotics Home task described as follows:

We have a robot that can drive around. At any point in time the position of the robot on the map can be represented by three numbers (x, y and theta), known as a 2D pose. We want to create a test simulation that will send the robot to a set of poses in a particular shape. Write a function in Python 3 that will produce a list of 2D poses that form an equilateral polygon:

The function takes three arguments:

* an integer specifying the number of sides of the polygon.
* the length of all sides of the polygon.
* the current 2D pose of the robot (optional, if not passed should assume the robot is at 0, 0, 0).
* The orientation of the waypoints is up to you.

Additionally create a script that will:

* Take in the number of sides and length as arguments.
* Get the pose of the robot from tf (you can assume there is a “map” frame and a “base_link” frame.
* Compute the list of 2D waypoints from the function you developed.
* Send the robot to each waypoint in succession (you can assume there is a “/move_base” action).


  • Two ROS packages are included in the submission - atreus and diligent_home_task. The former is just a testing platform that has a four wheeled differential drive robot with move_base support, while the latter is used to solve the required task.

  • Install all the required dependencies at the root of the workspaces:

    rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y && \
    sudo apt install python3-pydocstyle
  • Build your workspace and source it:

    catkin build atreus diligent_home_task && source devel/setup.bash
  • Test the package against coding and documentation standards, along with unit tests for the graded function - compute_waypoints:

    catkin test diligent_home_task
  • Launch the testing setup:

    roslaunch atreus testing_setup.launch

    This will launch navfn as the global planner and teb as the local planner.

  • In another terminal, source your workspace and optionally run the help command for usage:

    rosrun diligent_home_task polygonal_path.py -h
    usage: polygonal_path.py [-h] [-n NUM_SIDES] [-l LENGTH]
    Publish Regular Polygonal Paths
    optional arguments:
      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
      -n NUM_SIDES, --num_sides NUM_SIDES
                            Number of sides of the polygon
      -l LENGTH, --length LENGTH
                            Length of the polygon


    The node assumes default values for the number of sides (6) and length (10.0) if not specified.

    rosrun diligent_home_task polygonal_path.py -n 5 -l 7.0