RGB-D camera grabber with OpenCV and PCL currently for the following devices.
- Boost 1.46 or newer
- OpenCV 2.3 or newer
- PCL 1.7 or newer
- gflags 2.1 or newer
$ cmake .
$ make
$ bin/UVCameraCapture --id=0
$ cmake -DUSE_DS=ON .
$ make
$ bin/DS325Capture --id=0
$ cmake -DUSE_PMD=ON .
$ make
$ bin/PMDNanoCapture --pap=/path/to/camboardnano.L64.pap --ppp=/path/to/camboardnanoproc.L64.ppp
See also the examples of configuration file data/ueye-conf.ini
and calibration data data/ueye-calib.xml
for an uEye camera.
$ cmake -DUSE_UEYE=ON .
$ make
$ bin/UEyeCalibration --id=0 --conf=/path/to/conf.ini --intrinsics=/path/to/calib.xml
$ bin/UEyeCapture --id=0 --conf=/path/to/conf.ini --intrinsics=/path/to/calib.xml