
Step-by-step examples using OpenVR in C#

Primary LanguageC#

Examples of OpenVR in C#


Included Examples


Minimal code to track something.

You might want to play around and see how to track different objects.


Using OpenVR in OpenGL.

This example is more involved but has been written to be as readable as possible. There is also a few optional features which make it look longer than is strictly necessary but are good references - Most code is actually OpenGL related not OpenVR as OpenVRs boilerplate is so small.

Building and Running

  1. Ensure the selected build configuration is targetting the correct Platform, for example x64.
  2. Build
  3. Maunally copy your respective openvr_api.dll. I have tested with 1.16.8 but this may stop working if SteamVR updates break backwards compatibility. In that case, download the latest dll and also update openvr_api.cs in the Common project.