
a standard analytic pipeline for cut&run data

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Cut&Run pipeline

A standard analytic pipeline for cut&run data

Cost: $100 per sample (4k for 56 samples)

Step 0. ENV and softwares preparation, check by step.0.env.software.check.sh.

# use most stable python
conda create -n cutrun python=3.8
conda activate cutrun
# if conda activate doesn't work
source /home/zz950/softwares/miniconda3/bin/activate /home/zz950/softwares/miniconda3/envs/cutrun
# install 
conda install -c bioconda fastp deeptools macs3
# conda install is often slow, you can try other approaches
# download the latest build
wget http://opengene.org/fastp/fastp
chmod a+x ./fastp
pip install deeptools
pip install macs3
pip install multiqc # I love it!

Step 0. Check the fastq files.

# some fastq files may be broken during data transfering, and lead to the break of the pipeline
# should check them before running the pipeline, some good sequencer may provide MD5 files
cat CR*/MD5.txt > ../softlinks/MD5.txt
md5sum -c MD5.txt

Step 1. Create a all.sample.csv file with sample name and paired absolute path of fastq files.


see: https://github.com/leezx/ArchivedTools/blob/master/HKU/analyze.fastq.server.sh

# create a softlinks dir if all fastq are not in one folder
# gather all fastq files
ln -s ../01.RawData/*/*_1.fq.gz ./
ln -s ../01.RawData/*/*_2.fq.gz ./

# check number of fastq
ls | wc -l
# yes 56 samples, matched

Step 2. Rename the sample (all.sample.csv) to biological meaningful name (such as M60a-IgG-1) all.sample.labelled.csv

  • Naming method:Treatment-Antibody-replicate
  • All downstream fq, bam, peak will be based on this name. It will great benefit for further analysis.
  • Suggestion: go to R and modify the name, or you can edit it in Excel.

Step 3. Run run.1.qc.clean.align.rmDup.sort.Mapped.bam.bigwig.sh [~30 mins per sample]

  • This script will read all.sample.labelled.csv per line
  • Process each fastq pairs, generate bam frag bigwig

Parameters needed as input:

### parameter
# refencen of human/mouse and Ecoli
# for fastqc
# for bam rm Dup

Step 4. Bam to bed. Run run.2.1.bam.to.frag.bed.sh [~1 min per sample]

  • This script will transform bam file to fragment file
  • output seqDepth of Ecoli mapping
  • Pls run HDAC-b2-Cut&Run_in_R.ipynb to get the scale factor for IgG (if don't scale the noise will be very high in bigwig)

Step 5. Normalization library size by spike-in. Run run.2.2.spikeIn.normalize.bigwig.sh [~1 min per sample]

  • This script will scale down IgG by spike-in fragment number and generate normalized bigwig file

Step 6. Peak calling. Run run.3.peak.calling.sh [very fast: ~1 min per sample]

  • This script will call peaks using macs3, this was tested to be the best peak calling method for cut&run data.
  • run.3.other.peak.calling.sh, this scripts contains other 10 methods for peak calling.

Step 7. Check if all samples have reasonable output and pass QC.

  • alignment rate for TF, hitone, IgG
  • bigwig file with match peaks (we can filter the peaks based on their score)
  • check peak score (macs3) distributions

Step 8. Clean or compress intermediate big files.

# integrate all QC information for our samples
multiqc .
# keep important log files, move to log folder
mv HDAC.o2599325 HDAC.e2599325 log

Downstream quantitative analysis

DiffBind is good, but too difficult to handle. So, I prefer to use DeSeq2!

What're the core output file?

  • bam (always too big, we will not keep it)
  • bigwig (good for peak visualization and diff analysis)
  • peak (diff analysis, annotation)

What fancy downstream analysis can be performed?

  • individual gene/peak visualizaiton among samples (IGV)
  • gene set/signature heatmap (centered by TSS)
  • integrated with RNA-seq