
Yolo with Ros in Jetson Xavier

lawliet1997 opened this issue · 0 comments

I am having hard time to publish image topic when i open up the launch file.
What do i need to change the Image Topic in the launch file to make my camera work within the Yolo launch file.
I tried to use Raspicam_node to publish image but got dependencies issues.
It would be really helpful if someone can respond to it. Since I am new to ROS. I am having hard time to wrap my head around this issue.
PS. /webcam is the custom image publisher I created. It does publish image on /webcam topic and I can view it but when i enter the same topic in the YOLO. It gives me following error:



  • OS: [e.g. Ubuntu 18.04]
  • ROS version: Melodic
  • Jetson Xavier Development Kit
  • Raspberry Pie v2 Camera