- aliceatlasBrooklyn, NY
- archersmindShanghai
- billysingo
- chenzhangyuHuazhong University of Science and Technology
- chunlicuiKS
- ckp1992Tencent
- cooolinx
- dahuilangc
- dingyuanhong
- ffchinajoy
- FishYY1989
- free2rhyme
- gansiduiTencent
- Gareth-swifter@northdark
- Gosivn
- JaredYeDHChina
- jerrykcodeGuangdong
- js2854shenzhen
- kinghe
- lg31415Hangzhou China
- littleblank
- liujiaqiShandong University
- liwentao2005
- lsk-boy-fBeijing, China.
- mswdwkbeijing
- phoenixZZZDo it Enjoy it, All For EveryOne
- pinotao
- primefour
- qdk0901Shenzhen
- slowpy
- testing2007
- ThoBre
- ytakioOsaka, Japan
- z4none
- zhaoxiaoyunok
- zhengyi666