is a simple mocking framework for Arduino.
is based on FakeIt and can be used for testing your arduino project natively. No arduino required !
You should include the following header in your test file:
#include <ArduinoFake.h>
Assuming we have the following arduino code:
// src/main.cpp
void loop()
// turn the LED on (HIGH is the voltage level)
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);
// wait for a second
// turn the LED off by making the voltage LOW
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);
// wait for a second
It can be tested using ArduinoFake
#include <ArduinoFake.h>
using namespace fakeit;
// test/test_main.cpp
void test_loop(void)
When(Method(ArduinoFake(), digitalWrite)).AlwaysReturn();
When(Method(ArduinoFake(), delay)).AlwaysReturn();
Verify(Method(ArduinoFake(), digitalWrite).Using(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH)).Once();
Verify(Method(ArduinoFake(), digitalWrite).Using(LED_BUILTIN, LOW)).Once();
Verify(Method(ArduinoFake(), delay).Using(100)).Exactly(2_Times);
Checkout the examples for many more examples! Or take a look at the tests
If you want to extend ArduinoFake
library to add missing functions (for example attachInterrupt
) see contribution guidelines.