High level communications for DARPA SubT Team NUS SEDS.
Point-To-Point Communication: ptp-comms
Data Distribution Protocol: ddp
Graphs Exchange: exchange_graphs
sudo apt-get install python3-pip python3-yaml sudo pip3 install rospkg catkin_pkg
source ~/subt_ws/install/setup.bash
ign launch -v 4 cave_circuit.ign worldName:=simple_cave_01 robotName1:=X1 robotConfig1:=X1_SENSOR_CONFIG_1 robotName2:=X2 robotConfig2:=X1_SENSOR_CONFIG_1 robotName3:=X3 robotConfig3:=X1_SENSOR_CONFIG_1
source ~/subt_ws/devel/setup.bash
rosrun simple_comms simple_comms
source ~/subt_ws/install/setup.bash
rosrun teleop_twist_keyboard teleop_twist_keyboard.py /cmd_vel:=/X1/cmd_vel
In seperate terminals, run the following
rosrun noroute_mesh msg_converter.py (to run message conversion services)
rosrun noroute_mesh noroute_mesh_node X1 1 (to enable robot X1 CommsClient and communication services)
rosrun noroute_mesh noroute_mesh_node X2 2 (to enable robot X2 CommsClient and communication services))
rqt (to test services)