ppr statck

This is ppr stack.

Todo list

  • SDF mesh

  • limit for controller

How to use simulation

  1. 下载代码

    git clone


  2. 安装依赖

    rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y

  3. 编译


  4. 运行gazebo仿真

    roslaunch ppr_gazebo ppr_world.launch


  1. state topic

    rostopic echo parabot/joint_states

  2. cmd topic

    rostopic pub /parabot/joint1_position_controller/command

    rostopic pub /parabot/joint2_position_controller/command

    rostopic pub /parabot/joint3_position_controller/command

  3. Change PID

    roslaunch ppr_control ppr_rqt.launch


Macro-Micro Robot for the decoration project.

Author: likang

Created Time:20191030

Editor: Dayuan Chen

Version: 1.1


  1. Git clone Laser Driver by Reposiory

    git clone gitlab@www.git-hitsz.cn:jiang/laser_sensor3.git

  2. change Serial Port by port.yaml in Laser_sensor package lanunch directory

  3. launch the luanch file

    roslaunch pararob para_excution.launch

Click Here to watch the experiment video

Some Issue

If need password, please follow this wiki to set your ssh keys.

Ubuntu Git Config

If no serial

sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-serial


sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-serial