
SpiderMesh: Spatial-aware Demand-guided Recursive Meshing for RGB-T Semantic Segmentation (Updating)

Primary LanguagePython

SpiderMesh: Spatial-aware Demand-guided Recursive Meshing for RGB-T Semantic Segmentation



For technical details, please refer to:

SpiderMesh: Spatial-aware Demand-guided Recursive Meshing for RGB-T Semantic Segmentation

(0) Abstract

For semantic segmentation in urban scene understanding, RGB cameras alone often fail to capture a clear holistic topology, especially in challenging lighting conditions. Thermal signal is an informative additional channel that can bring to light the contour and fine-grained texture of blurred regions in low-quality RGB image. Aiming at RGB-T (thermal) segmentation, existing methods either use simple passive channel/spatial-wise fusion for cross-modal interaction, or rely on heavy labeling of ambiguous boundaries for fine-grained supervision. We propose a Spatial-aware Demand-guided Recursive Meshing (SpiderMesh) framework that: 1) proactively compensates inadequate contextual semantics in optically-impaired regions via a demand-guided target masking algorithm; 2) refines multimodal semantic features with recursive meshing to improve pixel-level semantic analysis performance. We further introduce an asymmetric data augmentation technique M-CutOut, and enable semi-supervised learning to fully utilize RGB-T labels only sparsely available in practical use. Extensive experiments on MFNet and PST900 datasets demonstrate that SpiderMesh achieves new state-of-the-art performance on standard RGB-T segmentation benchmarks.

(1) Setup

This code has been tested with Python 3.8.10, Pytorch 1.11.0, CUDA 11.7.

  • Setup environment

    conda create -n SpiderMesh python=3.8.10
    source activate SpiderMesh
  • Clone the respository

  • Install the requirements

    pip install -r requirements.txt
    pip install torch torchvision torchaudio --extra-index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu113
  • Download dataset

    Dataset Note Link
    MFNet preprocessed by RTFNet* Download:5ah9
    PST900 original dataset Download

    The original link of the preprocessed MFNet (by RTFNet) seems not availuable now, we have upload it to our BaiduCloud.

  • Download pretrained models

    Dataset Description Link
    MFNet SpiderMesh-50 Download:btkl
    SpiderMesh-101 Download:5t2p
    SpiderMesh-152 Download:i3me
    Semi-supervised SpiderMesh-152 Download:8jif
    PST900 SpiderMesh-152 Download:5qzy

(2) Training


  • Supervised learning

    python train.py # for MFNet dataset
    python train_pst.py # for PST900 dataset


  • Semi-supervised learning

    python semi-train.py


(3) Evaluation

For detailed analysis, three modes are supported: test(default), test_day, test_night.

python test.py # for MFNet dataset
python test_pst.py # for PST900 dataset
  • Complexity



If you find our work useful in your research, please consider citing:

  title={{SpiderMesh}: Spatial-aware Demand-guided Recursive Meshing for RGB-T Semantic Segmentation},
  author={S. Fan and Z. Wang and Y. Wang and J. Liu},