
An R package implementing the UMAP dimensionality reduction method.

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An R implementation of the Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection (UMAP) method for dimensionality reduction (McInnes and Healy, 2018), that also implements the supervised and metric (out-of-sample) learning extensions to the basic method. Translated from the Python implementation.


December 10 2018. Default behavior has changed so that multiple threads are no longer used during the stochastic gradient descent phase. This (along with some other minor changes) should ensure reproducibility (as long as you set.seed appropriately), at the cost of a loss in speed and is in line with the behavior of the Python UMAP implementation. If you don't care about reproducibility, the number of threads to use during SGD can be set with a new parameter, n_sgd_threads. Set it to n_sgd_threads = "auto" to get the old behavior.

December 9 2018. Added a pca argument that will reduce X to the specified number of dimensions (e.g. 50, commonly used in t-SNE routines). This should give a big speed up to the nearest neighbor search if you are using Euclidean distance metric and you have lots of features (where lots might be as little as 100-1000), for instance COIL-100.

December 5 2018. Some deeply experimental mixed data type features are now available: you can now mix different metrics (e.g. euclidean for some columns and cosine for others). The type of data that can be used with y in supervised UMAP has also been expanded. See Mixed Data Types for more details.


uwot makes use of C++ code which must be compiled. You may have to carry out a few extra steps before being able to build this package:

Windows: install Rtools and ensure C:\Rtools\bin is on your path.

Mac OS X: using a custom ~/.R/Makevars may cause linking errors. This sort of thing is a potential problem on all platforms but seems to bite Mac owners more. The R for Mac OS X FAQ may be helpful here to work out what you can get away with. To be on the safe side, I would advise building uwot without a custom Makevars.


# See function man page for help


iris_umap <- umap(iris, n_neighbors = 50, learning_rate = 0.5, init = "random")

# Load mnist from somewhere, e.g.
# devtools::install_github("jlmelville/snedata")
# mnist <- snedata::download_mnist()
mnist_umap <- umap(mnist, n_neighbors = 15, min_dist = 0.001, verbose = TRUE)

# Use a specific number of threads
mnist_umap <- umap(mnist, n_neighbors = 15, min_dist = 0.001, verbose = TRUE, n_threads = 8)

# Use a different metric
mnist_umap_cosine <- umap(mnist ,n_neighbors = 15, metric = "cosine", min_dist = 0.001, verbose = TRUE, n_threads = 8)

# Supervised dimension reduction
mnist_umap_s <- umap(mnist, n_neighbors = 15, min_dist = 0.001, verbose = TRUE, n_threads = 8, 
                     y = mnist$Label, target_weight = 0.5)
# Add new points to an existing embedding
mnist_train <- head(mnist, 60000)
mnist_test <- tail(mnist, 70000)

# You must set ret_model = TRUE to return extra data we need
# coordinates are in mnist_train_umap$embedding
mnist_train_umap <- umap(mnist_train, verbose = TRUE, ret_model = TRUE)
mnist_test_umap <- umap_transform(mnist_test, mnist_train_umap, verbose = TRUE)

# Save the nearest neighbor data
mnist_nn <- umap(mnist, ret_nn = TRUE)
# coordinates are now in mnist_nn$embedding

# Re-use the nearest neighor data and save a lot of time
mnist_nn_spca <- umap(mnist, nn_method = mnist_nn$nn, init = spca)

# No problem to have ret_nn = TRUE and ret_model = TRUE at the same time

# Calculate Petal and Sepal neighbors separately (uses intersection of the resulting sets):
iris_umap <- umap(iris, metric = list("euclidean" = c("Sepal.Length", "Sepal.Width"),
                                      "euclidean" = c("Petal.Length", "Petal.Width")))
# Can also use individual factor columns
iris_umap <- umap(iris, metric = list("euclidean" = c("Sepal.Length", "Sepal.Width"),
                                      "euclidean" = c("Petal.Length", "Petal.Width"),
                                      "categorical" = "Species"))
# MNIST with PCA reduction to 50 dimensions can speed up calculation without
# affecting results much
mnist_umap <- umap(mnist, pca = 50)


Apart from the man pages in R: you may be interested in:

Implementation Details

For small (N < 4096) and Euclidean distance, exact nearest neighbors are found using the FNN package. Otherwise, approximate nearest neighbors are found using RcppAnnoy. The supported distance metrics (set by the metric parameter) are:

  • Euclidean
  • Cosine
  • Manhattan
  • Hamming

If you need other metrics, and can generate the nearest neighbor info externally, you can pass the data directly to uwot via the nn_method parameter. See the Nearest Neighbor Data Format section for more details.

Coordinate initialization uses RSpectra to do the eigendecomposition of the normalized Laplacian.

The optional PCA initialization and initial dimensionality reduction uses irlba.

The smooth k-nearest neighbor distance and stochastic gradient descent optimization routines are written in C++ (using Rcpp and RcppArmadillo), aping the Python code as closely as possible. It is my first time using Rcpp, so let's assume I did a horrible job.

For the datasets I've tried it with, the results look at least reminiscent of those obtained using the official Python implementation. Below are results for the 70,000 MNIST digits (downloaded using the snedata package). On the left is the result of using the official Python UMAP implementation (via the reticulate package). The right hand image is the result of using uwot.

mnist-py.png mnist-r.png

The project documentation contains some more examples.


To get a feel for the performance of uwot, here are some timings for processing the MNIST dataset on my not-particularly-beefy laptop, compared with some other packages with their default settings:

Method Time
uwot(n_threads = 1) 3.5 minutes
Barnes-Hut t-SNE (Rtsne 0.15) 14 minutes
largeVis 56 minutes
official LargeVis implementation 10 minutes
UMAP (Python) 2 minutes
uwot(n_threads = 4) 2 minutes
uwot(n_threads = 1, approx_pow = TRUE) 3 minutes
uwot(n_threads = 4, approx_pow = TRUE) 1.5 minutes

The difference in performance between the Python UMAP (powered by the JIT-magic of Numba) and uwot with one thread is due to:

  • nearest neighbor search: takes 40 seconds in Python which also has the experimental parallel support in Numba turned on, versus just over 2 minutes in single-threaded uwot. Using 4 threads for the index search part reduces this to 1 minute. This part is the performance bottleneck at the moment. The Python version of UMAP uses pynndescent, a nearest neighbor descent approach, rather than Annoy. Alternative nearest neighbors libraries e.g. kgraph (which is based on the same paper as pynndescent), or HNSW would be interesting to try, but all of the ones I've looked at either don't currently build on Windows or have non-portable compilation flags, so will require some fiddling with.
  • the optimization stage: takes 60 seconds in Python (no parallel option here), versus about 66 seconds with uwot with one thread . I think the difference here is due to the pow operations in the gradient. If you like living dangerously, you can try using the fastPrecisePow approximation to the pow function suggested by Martin Ankerl:
# Set approx_pow = TRUE to use the approximation
mnist_umap <- umap(mnist, n_neighbors = 15, min_dist = 0.001, approx_pow = TRUE, verbose = TRUE)

For what I think seem like typical values of b (between 0.7 and 0.9) and the squared distance (0-1000), I found the maximum relative error was about 0.06. However, I haven't done much testing, beyond looking to see that the MNIST results are not obviously worsened. Results in the table above with approx_pow = TRUE do show a worthwhile improvement.

I would welcome any further suggestions on improvements (particularly speeding up the optimization loop). However, it's certainly fast enough for my needs.

Memory Usage

By the deeply unscientific method of me looking at how much memory the R session was taking up according to the Task Manager, processing MNIST with four threads saw the memory usage increase by nearly 1 GB at some points. There are some manual calls to gc() after some stages to avoid holding onto unused memory for longer than usual. The larger the value of n_neighbors, the more memory you can expect to take up (see, for example, the discussion of the lvish function below).

Multi-threading support

RcppParallel is used for the nearest neighbor index search, the smooth knn/perplexity calibration, and the optimization, which is the same approach that LargeVis takes.

You can (and should) adjust the number of threads via the n_threads parameter; for now, the default is half of whatever RcppParallel thinks should be the default. I have also exposed the grain_size parameter. If a thread would process less than grain_size number of items, then no multithreading is carried out. Set n_threads = 0 to use the previous non-threaded search; with n_threads = 1, you get the new multi-threaded code but with only one thread.

I've not experienced any problems with using multiple threads for a little while, but if you have any problems with crashing sessions, please file an issue.

Limitations and Other Issues

  • As noted in the Implementation Details, only Euclidean, Cosine, Hamming, and Manhattan distances are supported for finding nearest neighbors from data frame and dense matrix input. For other metrics, you can pass nearest neighbor data directly: see the Nearest Neighbor Data Format section. Or if you can calculate a distance matrix for your data, you can pass it in as dist object. For larger distance matrices, you can pass in a sparseMatrix (from the Matrix package). Neither approach is supremely efficient at the moment. Proper sparse matrix support is limited by the nearest neighbor search routine: Annoy is intended for dense vectors. Adding a library for sparse nearest neighbor search would be a good extension.
  • For supervised dimensionality reduction using a numeric vector, only the Euclidean distance is supported for building the target graph. Again, see the Nearest Neighbor Data Format for a possible alternative.
  • Even if you use set.seed, results of the embeddings are not repeatable, unless you only use one thread (i.e. use the argument n_threads = 1). This is because there is no locking carried out on the underlying coordinate matrix, and work is partitioned by edge not vertex and a given vertex may be processed by different threads. The order in which reads and writes occur is of course at the whim of the thread scheduler.
  • I haven't applied uwot on anything much larger than MNIST and Fashion MNIST (so at least around 100,000 rows with 500-1,000 columns works fine). Bear in mind that Annoy itself says it works best with dimensions < 100, but still works "surprisingly well" up to 1000.
  • The spectral initialization default for umap (and the Laplacian eigenmap initialization, init = "laplacian") can sometimes run into problems. If it fails to converge it will fall back to random initialization, but on occasion I've seen it take an extremely long time (a couple of hours) to converge. If initialization is taking more than a few minutes, I suggest stopping the calculation and using the scaled PCA (init = "spca") instead.
  • R CMD check currently reports the following note: GNU make is a SystemRequirements., which is expected and due to using RcppParallel. On Linux, it sometimes notes that the libs sub-directory is over 1 MB. I am unsure if this is anything to worry about.

Other Methods

Some other dimensionality reduction methods are also available in uwot:


If you choose the UMAP curve parameters to be a = 1 and b = 1, you get back the Cauchy distribution used in t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding and LargeVis. This also happens to significantly simplify the gradient leading to a noticeable speed-up: for MNIST, I saw the optimization time drop from 66 seconds to 18 seconds. The trade off is that you will see larger, more spread-out clusters than with the typical UMAP settings (they're still more compact than you see in t-SNE, however). To try t-UMAP, use the tumap function:

mnist_tumap <- tumap(mnist, n_neighbors = 15, verbose = TRUE)

Note that using umap(a = 1, b = 1) doesn't use the simplified gradient, so you won't see any speed-up that way.

lvish: a LargeVis-ish method.

As UMAP's implementation is similar to LargeVis in some respects, this package also offers a LargeVis-like method, lvish:

# perplexity, init and n_epoch values shown are the defaults
# use perplexity instead of n_neighbors to control local neighborhood size
mnist_lv <- lvish(mnist, perplexity = 50, init = "lvrand", n_epochs = 5000, 
                  verbose = TRUE)
# Make hilarious Lembas bread joke

Although lvish is like the real LargeVis in terms of the input weights, output weight function and gradient, and so should give results that resemble the real thing, note that:

  • Like the real LargeVis, matrix input data is normalized by centering each column and then the entire matrix is scaled by dividing by the maximum absolute value. This differs from umap, where no scaling is carried out. Scaling can be controlled by the scale parameter.
  • Nearest neighbor results are not refined via the neighbor expansion method. The search_k parameter is twice as large than Annoy's default to compensate.
  • The other nearest neighbor index parameter, n_trees, is not dynamically chosen based on data set size. In LargeVis, it ranges between 10 (for N < 100,000) and 100 (for N > 5,000,000). The lvish default of 50 would cover datasets up to N = 5,000,000, and combined with the default search_k, seems suitable for the datasets I've looked at.
  • Negative edges are generated by uniform sampling of vertexes rather than their degree ^ 0.75.
  • The default number of epochs is dataset-dependent, to generate the same number of edge samples that would be used by the default settings of the reference LargeVis implementation. This normally results in a substantially longer run time than for umap. You may be able to get away with fewer epochs, and using the UMAP initialization of init = "spectral", rather than the default Gaussian random initialization (init = "lvrand") can help.

The left-hand image below is the result of running the official LargeVis implementation on MNIST. The image on the right is that from running lvish with its default settings (apart from setting n_threads = 8). Given they were both initialized from different random configurations, there's no reason to believe they would be identical, but they look pretty similar:

mnist-largevis.png mnist-lvish.png

Because the default number of neighbors is 3 times the perplexity, and the default perplexity = 50, the nearest neighbor search needs to find 150 nearest neighbors per data point, an order of magnitude larger than the UMAP defaults. This leads to a less sparse input graph and hence more edges to sample. Combined with the increased number of epochs, expect lvish to be slower than umap: with default single-threaded settings, it took about 20 minutes to embed the MNIST data under the same circumstances as described in the "Performance" section. With n_threads = 4, it took 7 minutes. In addition, storing those extra edges requires a lot more memory than the umap defaults: my R session increased by around 3.2 GB, versus 1 GB for umap.

As an alternative to the usual Gaussian input weight function, you can use the k-nearest neighbor graph itself, by setting kernel = "knn". This will give each edge between neighbors a uniform weight equal to 1/perplexity, which leads to each row's probability distribution having the target perplexity. This matrix will then be symmetrized in the usual way. The advantage of this is that the number of neighbors is reduced to the same as the perplexity (indeed, the n_neighbors parameter is ignored with this setting), and leads to less memory usage and a faster runtime. You can also get away with setting the perplexity to a much lower value than usual with this kernel (e.g. perplexity = 15) and get closer to UMAP's performance. If you use the default LargeVis random initialization, you will still need more epochs than UMAP, but you can still expect to see a big improvement. Something like the following works for MNIST:

mnist_lv <- lvish(mnist, kernel = "knn", perplexity = 15, n_epochs = 1500,
                  init = "lvrand", verbose = TRUE)

Mixed Data Types

The default approach of UMAP is that all your data is numeric and will be treated as one block using the Euclidean distance metric. To use a different metric, set the metric parameter, e.g. metric = "cosine".

Treating the data as one block may not always be appropriate. uwot now supports a highly experimental approach to mixed data types. It is not based on any deep understanding of topology and sets, so consider it subject to change, breakage or completely disappearing.

To use different metrics for different parts of a data frame, pass a list to the metric parameter. The name of each item is the metric to use and the value is a vector containing the names of the columns (or their integer id, but I strongly recommend names) to apply that metric to, e.g.:

metric = list("euclidean" = c("A1", "A2"), "cosine" = c("B1", "B2", "B3"))

this will treat columns A1 and A2 as one block of data, and generate neighbor data using the Euclidean distance, while a different set of neighbors will be generated with columns B1, B2 and B3, using the cosine distance. This will create two different simplicial sets. The final set used for optimization is the intersection of these two sets. This is exactly the same process that is used when carrying out supervised UMAP (except the contribution is always equal between the two sets and can't be controlled by the user).

You can repeat the same metric multiple times. For example, to treat the petal and sepal data separately in the iris dataset, but to use Euclidean distances for both, use:

metric = list("euclidean" = c("Petal.Width", "Petal.Length"), 
              "euclidean" = c("Sepal.Width", "Sepal.Length"))


As the iris example shows, using column names can be very verbose. Integer indexing is supported, so the equivalent of the above using integer indexing into the columns of iris is:

metric = list("euclidean" = 3:4, "euclidean" = 1:2)

but internally, uwot strips out the non-numeric columns from the data, and if you use Z-scaling (i.e. specify scale = "Z"), zero variance columns will also be removed. This is very likely to change the index of the columns. If you really want to use numeric column indexes, I strongly advise not using the scale argument and re-arranging your data frame if necessary so that all non-numeric columns come after the numeric columns.

Categorical columns

Supervized UMAP allows for a factor column to be used. You may now also specify factor columns in the X data. Use the special metric name "categorical". For example, to use the Species factor in standard UMAP for iris along with the usual four numeric columns, use:

metric = list("euclidean" = 1:4, "categorical" = "Species")

Factor columns are treated differently from numeric columns:

  • They are always treated separately, one column at a time. If you have two factor columns, cat1, and cat2, and you would like them included in UMAP, you should write:
metric = list("categorical" = "cat1", "categorical" = "cat2", ...)

As a convenience, you can also write:

metric = list("categorical" = c("cat1", "cat2"), ...)

but that doesn't combine cat1 and cat2 into one block, just saves some typing.

  • Because of the way categorical data is intersected into a simplicial set, you cannot have an X metric that specifies only categorical entries. You must specify at least one of the standard Annoy metrics for numeric data. For iris, the following is an error:
# wrong and bad
metric = list("categorical" = "Species")

Specifying some numeric columns is required:

# OK
metric = list("categorical" = "Species", "euclidean" = 1:4)
  • Factor columns not explicitly included in the metric are still removed as usual.
  • Categorical data does not appear in the model returned when ret_model = TRUE and so does not affect the project of data used in umap_transform. You can still use the UMAP model to project new data, but factor columns in the new data are ignored (effectively working like supervized UMAP).

y data

The handling of y data has been extended to allow for data frames, and target_metric works like metric: multiple numeric blocks with different metrics can be specified, and categorical data can be specified with categorical. However, unlike X, the default behavior for y is to include all factor columns. Any numeric data found will be treated as one block, so if you have multiple numeric columns that you want treated separately, you should specify each column separately:

target_metric = list("euclidean" = 1, "euclidean" = 2, ...)

I suspect that the vast majority of y data is one column, so the default behavior will be fine most of the time.

Nearest Neighbor Data Format

The Python implementation of UMAP supports lots of distance metrics; uwot does not, because it depends on the distance metrics supported by RcppAnnoy, which in turn depends on those supported by Annoy. For more flexibility, at the cost of convenience, you can generate nearest neighbor data for X by some other means and pass that to umap (or tumap or lvish) directly via the nn_method parameter.

The format expected by nn_method is a list containing the following two entries:

  • idx: a matrix of dimension n_vertices x n_neighbors, where each row contains the indexes (starting at 1) of the nearest neighbors of each item (vertex) in the dataset. Each item is always the nearest neighbor of itself, so the first element in row i should always be i. If it isn't then either you are using a really weird non-metric distance or your approximate nearest neighbor method is returning way too approximate results. In either case, you should expect bad results.
  • dist: a matrix of dimension n_vertices x n_neighbors, where each row contains the distances of the nearest neighbors of each item (vertex) in the dataset, in Each item is always the nearest neighbor of itself, so the first element in row i should always be 0.0.

If you use pre-computed nearest neighbor data, be aware that:

  • You can't use pre-computed nearest neighbor data and also use metric.
  • You can explicitly set X to NULL, as long as you don't try and use an initialization method that makes use of X (init = "pca" or init = "spca").
  • Setting ret_model = TRUE does not produce a valid model. umap_transform will not work with this setting.

Exporting nearest neighbor data from uwot

If you set ret_nn = TRUE, the return value of umap will be a list, and the nn item contains the nearest neighbor data in a format that can be used with nn_method. This is handy if you are going to be running UMAP multiple times with the same data and n_neighbors and scale settings, because the nearest neighbor calculation can be the most time-consuming part of the calculation.

Normally the contents of nn is itself a list, the value of which is the nearest neighbor data. The name is the type of metric that generated the data. As an example, here's what the first few items of the iris 5-NN data should look like:

lapply(umap(iris, ret_nn = TRUE, n_neighbors = 5)$nn$euclidean, head)

     [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
[1,]    1   18    5   40   29
[2,]    2   35   46   13   10
[3,]    3   48    4    7   13
[4,]    4   48   30   31    3
[5,]    5   38    1   18   41
[6,]    6   19   11   49   45

     [,1]      [,2]      [,3]      [,4]      [,5]
[1,]    0 0.1000000 0.1414214 0.1414214 0.1414214
[2,]    0 0.1414214 0.1414214 0.1414214 0.1732051
[3,]    0 0.1414214 0.2449490 0.2645751 0.2645751
[4,]    0 0.1414214 0.1732051 0.2236068 0.2449490
[5,]    0 0.1414214 0.1414214 0.1732051 0.1732051
[6,]    0 0.3316625 0.3464102 0.3605551 0.3741657

If for some reason you specify ret_nn while supplying precomputed nearest neighbor data to nn_method, the returned data should be identical to what you passed in, and the list item names will be precomputed.

Multiple neighbor data

As discussed under the Mixed Data Types section, you can apply multiple distance metrics to different parts of matrix or data frame input data. if you do this, then ret_nn will return all the neighbor data. The list under nn will now contain as many items as metrics, in the order they were specified. For instance, if the metric argument is:

metric = list("euclidean" = c("Petal.Width", "Petal.Length"), 
              "cosine" = c("Sepal.Width", "Sepal.Length"))

The nn list will contain two list entries. The first will be called euclidean and the second cosine.

If you have access to multiple distance metrics, you may also provide multiple precomputed neighbor data to nn_method in the same format: a list of lists, where each sublist has the same format as described above (i.e. the two matrices, idx and dist). The names of the list items are ignored, so you don't need to set them. Roughly, do something like this:

nn_metric1 <- list(idx = matrix(...), dist = matrix(...))
nn_metric2 <- list(idx = matrix(...), dist = matrix(...))
umap_res <- umap(nn_method = list(nn_metric1, nn_metric2), ...)

The different neighbor data must all have the same number of neighbors, i.e. the number of columns in all the matrices must be the same.

Numeric y

If you are using supervised UMAP with a numeric y, then you can also pass nearest neighbor data to y, using the same format as above. In this case the nearest neighbors should be with respect to the data in y.

Note that you cannot pass categorical y as nearest neighbor data. This is because the processing of the data goes through a different code path that doesn't directly calculate nearest neighbors: if y is a factor, when there are only a small number of levels, the number of neighbors of an item can be vastly larger than n_neighbors.

Nearest neighbor data for y is not returned from umap for re-use.


GPLv3 or later.

See Also