
Document Summarization of Biological Articles

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#Document_Summarization ###Document Summarization of Biological Articles ####Final Project for Special Topics: Natural Language Processing

#####CRAFT To run this program you need to download craft

  • Place folder inside this current directory.

#####PythonROUGE Author: Miguel B. Almeida Email: mba@priberam.pt

Downloaded from github repository https://github.com/miguelbalmeida/PythonROUGE

####ROUGE To be able to use ROUGE (Recall Oriented Understudy of Gisting Evaluation) you need to download it < http://www.berouge.com/Pages/default.aspx >

ROUGE is PERL based so you need to have PERL installed on your machine and downloading modules as described in README.

#####docsum_main.py Script will generate test documents to evaluate using ROUGE Uses _docsum.py for functions

#####Test Files PythonROUGE/Abstracts

  • Includes manually pasted abstracts related to test files from docsum_main.py


  • Test files generated from docsum_main.py

#####Evaluation Jupyter Notebook to show evaluations Evaluations_Averages.ipynb

Notebook is within PythonROUGE directory

#####report.pdf Research and description of my finds while completing this project