🌸Apatheia Dot Files🌸

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  • OS: Arch Linux
  • Compositor: Hyprland
  • Top- and sidebar: eww
  • Notifications: dunst
  • Wallpaper Loader: swww
  • Wallpaper: /themes/apatheia/wallpapers
  • Terminal: kitty
  • Search menu: wofi
  • Fetch script: nitch
  • Browser: Firefox
  • Font: Nerd Font

Theme Variants

These theme variants can be added to the themes folder.

Winter Theme

❄ Winter Theme


📦 Required dependencies:

Install these dependencies manually (Arch)

hyprland-git nerd-fonts-complete wofi dunst jq eww-wayland swww-git swayidle swaylock-effects-git swaylockd sway-audio-idle-inhibit-git bc pamixer light-git papirus-icon-theme playerctl cava kitty xdg-desktop-portal-wlr grim slurp wl-clipboard socat swappy cliphist hyprpicker nm-connection-editor dictd wl-clip-persist-git

Follow the Quick Start Instructions from Hyprland

🧙‍♂️ Setup Hyprland Config

Default Theme

Copy all files from the repo to your hyprland config folder, and rename _hyprland.conf to hyprland.conf .

git clone https://github.com/AmadeusWM/dotfiles-hyprland.git
cd dotfiles-hyprland
cp -r ./* ~/.config/hypr
# Rename config file
mv ~/.config/hypr/_hyprland.conf ~/.config/hypr/hyprland.conf 

Switching Primary Screen

Add this line to your config:

exec=~/.config/hypr/scripts/variables/set_env primary [ID_OF_PRIMAR_SCREEN] # 0, 1, 2, ...

Switching theme or config (Optional)

Assign the source parameter in the hyprland.conf to a different configuration file.

✨ Theming Other Applications


Default Applications

The themes of other applications are saved in the dots folder. wofi, rofi, kitty and dunst can be themed by copying the folders into ~/.config

cp  ./dots/dunst ~/.config
cp  ./dots/wofi ~/.config
cp  ./dots/rofi ~/.config
cp  ./dots/kitty ~/.config

Spotify (Spicetify)

Install spicetify. (AUR: spicetify-cli) Copy dots/spicetify/Dribbblish to ~/.config/spicetify/Themes (or wherever your spicetify themes are stored) Then:

cd "$(dirname "$(spicetify -c)")/Themes/Dribbblish"
mkdir -p ../../Extensions
cp dribbblish.js ../../Extensions/.
spicetify config extensions dribbblish.js
spicetify config current_theme Dribbblish color_scheme apatheia
spicetify config inject_css 1 replace_colors 1 overwrite_assets 1
spicetify apply

Discord (Better Discord)

install from AUR: betterdiscordctl

Copy dots/BetterDiscord/Apatheia.theme.css to ~/snap/discord/145/.config/BetterDiscord/

For Discord (Installed With Snap)

betterdiscordctl --d-install snap install 


webcord --add-css-theme ~/.config/hypr/dots/BetterDiscord/Apatheia.theme.css


The Obsidian theme can be found in the community theme store, just look up Apatheia. Install the theme which is developed by @AmadeusWM, @Zenneh.


The Apatheia theme can be found on the marketplace. Look up Apatheia from Amadeus Wolf

If You Want To Change It

You'll have to upload it to the vs-code marketplace. Follow the docs:

  1. Generate theme repository
  2. Publish theme


First and foremost, go to about:addons in your firefox. And enable the Dark theme.

Firefox Theme

  1. in Firefox go to about:config. Change toolkit.legacyUserProfileCustomizations.stylesheets to "True"
  2. Find your profile folder (go to the url about:profiles in firefox, and open the folder of your active profile)
  3. Copy the chrome folder from dots/firefox to the aforementioned profile folder.
  4. Restart firefox, you theme should be updated
MacOS Fix overlapping controls
  1. Open this file in your editor: dotfiles-hyprland/dots/firefox/chrome/window-controls/wc-without-tabline.css
  2. Uncomment the following: (in :root:not([inFullscreen]) toolbar#nav-bar
margin-left: calc(
        var(--wc-right-space) * 2 + 60px
    ) !important; 
  1. Comment in this line:
margin-left: 0px;
  1. Your file should look like this
@import "window-controls.css";

:root:not([inFullscreen]) toolbar#nav-bar {
    z-index: 1 !important;
    position: relative !important;
    /* shift toolbar to the right based on initial width */
    margin-left: calc(
        var(--wc-right-space) * 2 + 60px
    ) !important; 
    /* margin-left: 0px; */

#TabsToolbar .toolbar-items {
    display: none !important;

.titlebar-buttonbox {
    flex-direction: row-reverse;

#TabsToolbar.browser-toolbar {
    display: inline-block !important;
    position: absolute;
    top: var(--wc-vertical-shift) !important;
    left: var(--wc-left-space) !important;
Windows: Window Control Buttons At the Right Side

The solution is to replace this line: (in chrome/config.css)

@import "window-controls/wc-without-tabline.css";

with the following:

@import "window-controls/wc-without-tabline-r.css";

Afterwards your buttons should be visible.

Tree Style Tabs

  1. Install the Tree Style Tabs extension from here
  2. Visit Preferences with ctrl+shift+a>Tree Style Tab>Preferences
  3. Scroll to the bottom, and Press Import in All Configs
  4. Import the config.json from dots/firefox/treestyletab/config.json
  5. Then go to Advanced and scroll down
  6. Choose Load from file and upload the following dots/firefox/treestyletab/treestyletab.css (optional: if the theme of TST doesn't match the new firefox theme for some reason)

Night Tab

  1. Install the nighttab extension from here
  2. Go to night tab settings (top right), and then the data tab
  3. Import dots/firefox/night-tab/night-tab.json
  4. You'll have to change the colors yourself if you change the theme from the default

GTK Theme

For GTK: Orchis-Theme Edit the following files:

  • ~/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini
  • ~/.config/gtk-4.0/settings.ini to:
gtk-theme-name = Orchis-Dark

and you might have to run:

gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface color-scheme prefer-dark

Eww Bar

Credits to https://github.com/taylor85345 Dependency: eww-wayland

⌨️ Keybinds

All keybinds can be found in the keybinds folder

  • SUPER+SPACE: Application Launcher (wofi)
  • SUPER+Z: Prev orkspace
  • SUPER+X: Next orkspace
  • SUPER+CTRL+M: Quit Hyprland
  • SUPER+1,...9,0: Switch workspace
  • ALT+1,...9,0: Move window to workspace
  • SUPER+ALT+1,...9,0: Move window to workspace (silent)
  • SUPER+B: Switch Wallpaper
  • SUPER+V: Open clipboard history
  • SUPER+T or CTRl+ALT+T: Kitty
  • SUPER+F or CTRL+ALT+F: Firefox
  • SUPER+O: Obsidian
  • SUPER+E: Nautilus
  • SUPER+A: VS-code
  • SUPER+C: Color Picker (hyprpicker)
  • PRINT: Screenshot a part of your screen
  • SUPER+PRINT: Record a part of your screen
  • SUPER+SHIFT+B: Reset Top Bar (e.g. when connecting new screen)

⭐ Credits

  • Back777space: for contributing🗿🗿🗿
  • Zenneh: the Obsidian theme📔
  • Taylor85345: the well-organized dotfiles, and top-bar🧔‍
  • flick0: inspiring hyprland-setup and useful scripts😍
  • Vaxry: HYPRLAND 🤍


ls /home/amadeusw/.config/hypr/themes/apatheia/wallpapers | wofi --show dmenu
  • Disable and Enable notifications
  • Pull request Dunst: rounded icons
  • Answer issue eww primary screen (first, try the command man): elkowar/eww#382 (comment)

💖 Support