
Lightweight and easy-to-use Twitch IRC client for Unity (C#)

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Unity Twitch Chat

This is a lightweight and efficient Twitch.tv IRC client for Unity.

In short, this allows you to integrate Twitch Chat to your Unity projects.
The primary goal is to be able to read and send chat messages as efficiently as possible.

Chat message example

Supported features

  • Reading and sending chat messages
  • Parsing Twitch emotes and badges
  • Optional anonymous login
  • Automatic ratelimit checks
  • Name color normalization (similar to native Twitch chat)

Unsupported features

  • Special messages (whispers, sub/resub, raids, first time viewers, etc)
  • Bits cheering, channel points, predictions, etc
  • Moderation (ban, timeout, etc)
  • Third party extensions (FFZ, BTTV, 7TV, etc)
  • and more...

Other limitations

  • WebGL builds are not supported


  • Open Unity Package Manager (Window -> Package Manager)
  • Click the + button in the top left corner
  • Select Add package from git URL...
  • Copy and paste the following URL and finish by clicking Add

Quick start

  1. Install the Unity package (see above)
  2. Create a new empty GameObject and add the Twitch IRC component.
  3. In the inspector, set your Twitch details (OAuth, username, channel)
  4. Make sure Connect IRC On Start and Join Channel On Start are enabled and press play – You should now see JOIN messages, etc. in the console.
  5. Create a new script that has a listener for the IRC.OnChatMessage event.
    • See ListenerExample.cs for reference.
    • The listener will receive Chatter objects which contain information about each chat message, such as the chatter name, message, emotes, etc...

Having issues? Check out the included ExampleProject for a better understanding.

Example project

Spawn chatters as jumping boxes. Box color is based on their primary badge.

API documentation


  • void Connect() - Connects to Twitch IRC
  • void Disconnect() - Disconnects from Twitch IRC
  • void SendChatMessage(string message) - Sends a chat message to the channel
  • void JoinChannel(string channel) - Join a Twitch channel
  • void LeaveChannel(string channel) - Leave a Twitch channel
  • void Ping() - Sends a PING message to the Twitch IRC server
  • event OnChatMessage - Event that is invoked when a chat message is received
  • event OnConnectionAlert - Event that is invoked when a connection alert is received
  • IRCTags ClientUserTags - Returns the tags of the client user (badges, name color, etc)


  • Color GetNameColor() - Returns the color of the chatter's name
  • bool IsDisplayNameFontSafe() - Returns true if displayName is "font-safe" meaning that it only contains characters: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, _
  • bool ContainsEmote(string emoteId) - Returns true if the chatter's message contains the specified emote (by id)
  • bool HasBadge(string badgeName) - Returns true if the chatter has the specified badge


MIT License

Projects made with Unity Twitch Chat

Intro Fighters, stream overlay game https://lexone.itch.io/introfighters

Did you make something cool? Contact me (lexone on Discord) to get featured here!