
Website for the SwissBIAS network: Swiss BioImage Analysts's network

Primary LanguageHTML


Website for the SwissBIAS network: Swiss BioImage Analysts's network See also the associated wiki

Adding and editing member information

Each member have their own markdown file, stored in the /_members directory. It consist of a YAML frontmatter and markdown text, like this, for the file simon.noerrelykke.md:

first_name: Simon F.
last_name: Noerrelykke
short_name: simon
affiliation: ETH Zurich
position: Image Analyst
tags: [matlab, fiji]

Simon works at ETH Zurich.\\
He heads [IDA](http://let-your-data-speak.com/) - the Image and Data Analysis group inside of ScopeM.

To create a new member file, copy an existing file, rename as firstName.lastName.md, change all text that needs changing, and save it in /_members (commit it).

Edits can be done directly in your browser in GitHub --- larger changes to structure must be done locally, then pushed to GitHub.

That is it! The new member will automatically be added to the list of all members and have their own page with the text they provided, e.g. https://www.swissbias.ch/members/simon.noerrelykke.

Here is a guide to markdown on Github.

Adding pages

To add a webpage, create it as markdown or html and place it in _pages (become and editor or create a pull request for this). You can link to it from another page or add it to the navigation menu (be conservative -- navigation bars quickly become crowded).

Navigation bars

There are several possible navigation bars, read the documention for whatever Jekyll theme we are using, e.g. minimal-mistakes. Pages are added to the top bar by editing the file navigation.yml in the /_data folder.

The configuration file

Most configuration takes place in the _config.yml file at root level. Be careful if editing this!


Instead of specifying and formatting the looks of each individual page, templates are applied: In the /_layouts folder, many are available, often inheriting features from each other, and you can add more if you want. The layout applied to a given file/page is either specified in the YAML frontmatter or applies to all files in a given folder as specified in the configuration file _config.yml. For example, all files in the folders /_pages and /_members have the single layout applied to them.