
Examples and tutorials on the new XBot2 framework -- WIP

Primary LanguageC++


Examples for the XBot2.0 middleware

This repository containes commented examples of use for the XBot2.0 real-time middleware for robotics. The IIT-Teleop robot, a 5-dof robotic arm, is provided as testing platform.


How to build

Standard CMake workflow

  • mkdir build && cd build
  • ccmake <path-to-repo>
  • select a build type and an install folder (must be visible to the dynamic linker), type c and then g
  • make -j install

How to setup

  • make sure that the robot sdf and meshes are visible to Gazebo; for instance, you can add the following line to your .bashrc
export GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH=$GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH:<path-to-repo>/models/database
  • set the XBot2 configuration file to the provided example with set_xbot2_config <path-to-repo>/config/teleop_simple_example.yaml
  • point the XBOT_ROOT environment variable to the repository folder with export XBOT_ROOT=<path-to-repo> (this can also go to the .bashrc for convenience)

How to run

  • load the provided .world file to Gazebo with the following command:
    gazebo <path-to-repo>/world/teleop_xbot2.world
    you should now see the robot inside Gazebo
  • run XBot2 with xbot2-core or xbot2-core --verbose

You should now be able to (for instance)

  • get the list of loaded plugins -> rosservice call /xbotcore/get_plugin_list
  • monitor execution time -> rostopic echo /xbotcore/statistics
  • monitor joint state -> rostopic echo /xbotcore/joint_states

Running inside Docker container drawing

  • install docker and set it up so that it does not require sudo permissions
  • ./docker/run.sh runs the container (the first time it will also download a crazy amount of data!)
  • to spawn more bash sessions inside the same container instance, do ./docker/attach.sh
  • open three bash sessions
  • terminal #1: ./build-examples.sh (compiles the source code of this repository; NOTE that the source code is shared with the host machine!)
  • terminal #1: ./start.sh (starts roscore and gazebo)
  • terminal #2: xbot2-core (XBot2 executable)
  • terminal #3: xbot2-gui (GUI should appear)