Optimized Solarized colorschemes. Best served with true-color terminals!
Vim Script
- CristianLlanosPeru
- cwenck
- delphinusDeNA Co., Ltd.
- droidengineerConvoluted Systems
- dsansonIllinois State University
- emiltang@UniversalRobots
- garrettf@makenotion
- genadyp
- gerardogc2378Contractor
- IrishPrime@lassoworkforce
- isntallPortland, OR
- Istar-EldritchCambridge, UK
- Jeseeq@firebolt-db
- jgaeckeNYC
- JoshSGmanMeru Labs
- klssmith
- Konfekt
- lowplyGitHub
- meirish
- mteleshaAllentown, PA
- nathanaelkaneBrisbane, Australia
- nelsyeungDarktrace
- nemonwebRussia
- nwjsmith@wealthsimple
- pacunaSpotify
- phddoomIndiana
- ruanylAmazon Web Service
- szaghiNational Research Council of Italy, IAC Research Institute for applied mathematics "Mauro Picone"
- tbastosGoogle
- tomauty@MoneyLion
- volo1stSydney
- VonfryChina Shanghai
- vprooks
- xelra
- xreamChina