: a deconvolution method to estimate cell type proportions in chromatin accessibility data (ATAC-Seq), as well as gene expression data (RNA-Seq & Microarray).
DeconPeaker's code is a mix of Python3.8 and R(4.0), which requires the following dependencies.
- Python3.8:
- Numpy
- Scipy
- Pandas
- bx
- Matplotlib
- rpy2
- R4.0:
- pls
- transport
- colorRamps
- Other tools (when excute preprocess and simulation steps):
- bedtools
- samtools
- featureCounts
git clone
cd DeconPeaker && pip install . && cd ..
usage: deconPeaker [-h] {preprocess,findctsps,deconvolution,simulation} ...
deconPeaker - a deconvolution model to identify cell types based on chromatin accessibility in ATAC-Seq data of mixture samples.
positional arguments:
preprocess Create chromatin accessibility profile for pure samples, this step is the basis for subsequent specific cell type identification and mixture deconvolution. Note: This step only support Linux system, and if
you have a large sample size for pure cells, please ensure enough sufficient memory and hard storage space for program to run normally.
findctsps Find cell type specific peaks/genes accross pure samples, different pure cell samples require replicates as input.
deconvolution Based on pure cell profile information, robust regression deconvolution strategy was used to estimate the proportion of possible cell types in the mixed samples.
simulation Simulate mixed samples with different proportions of cells. [Note] The method is proportional random sampling of reads from different cell types of BAM/BED files.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
deconPeaker deconvolution --lib-strategy=ATAC-Seq --mixture=DeconPeaker/test/examples/ATAC-Seq/GSE74912_Corces_MR_synthetic_mixture_counts_data.xls --pure=DeconPeaker/test/examples/ATAC-Seq/GSE74912_Corces_MR_pure_readcounts_signature_matrix.xls --format=TABLE --pvalue=FALSE --outdir=DeconPeaker/results/GSE74912_Corces_MR
INFO @ Tue, 23 Apr 2024 14:49:47: Deconvolving......
[1] "[WARN] Lambda = 0, Log transfer for SIMPLS"
[1] "[WARN] Lambda = 0, Log transfer for SIMPLS"
[1] "[WARN] Lambda = 0, Log transfer for SIMPLS"
INFO @ Tue, 23 Apr 2024 14:50:17: Showing deconPeaker results:
Sample_171 0.069005 0.002305 0.052112 0.067137 0.262002 0.013519 0.286919 0.080115 0.049956 0.000000 0.047004 0.065608 0.004319 0.866373 0.365072 9999.0
Sample_177 0.018484 0.111797 0.000000 0.047688 0.263781 0.066290 0.007585 0.049847 0.056509 0.041708 0.218438 0.074697 0.043177 0.928823 0.266408 9999.0
Sample_159 0.000289 0.286506 0.000000 0.090313 0.032724 0.016271 0.245973 0.071600 0.000000 0.191758 0.014806 0.046406 0.003353 0.964885 0.187197 9999.0
Sample_139 0.006446 0.008090 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.011153 0.909165 0.000000 0.006506 0.000000 0.022982 0.029292 0.006367 0.898426 0.318128 9999.0
Sample_86 0.382248 0.165546 0.021309 0.015785 0.003639 0.090452 0.240281 0.024951 0.025254 0.022799 0.000000 0.007111 0.000624 0.952080 0.218717 9999.0
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Sample_134 0.002720 0.000000 0.019477 0.019017 0.000000 0.017883 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.082663 0.012248 0.834613 0.011378 0.901643 0.313398 9999.0
Sample_1 0.002720 0.000000 0.019477 0.019017 0.000000 0.017883 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.082663 0.012248 0.834613 0.011378 0.901719 0.313285 9999.0
Sample_84 0.019543 0.005681 0.000000 0.008541 0.233237 0.324421 0.211760 0.000000 0.030085 0.000000 0.124828 0.041904 0.000000 0.911399 0.297173 9999.0
Sample_175 0.000891 0.059974 0.021029 0.000000 0.196285 0.253763 0.208002 0.000000 0.004527 0.064388 0.047768 0.136915 0.006459 0.908695 0.301642 9999.0
Sample_29 0.000000 0.044709 0.002532 0.141323 0.000000 0.028472 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.674772 0.064291 0.043901 0.980558 0.139116 9999.0
[195 rows x 16 columns]
INFO @ Tue, 23 Apr 2024 14:50:17: Elapsed time is 29.629956245422363 seconds
Please see Tutorial.
Please cite the publication: Li H, Sharma A, Luo K, et al. DeconPeaker, a deconvolution model to identify cell types based on chromatin accessibility in ATAC-Seq data of mixture samples[J]. Frontiers in genetics, 2020, 11: 392.