First 42 project consists in recreating functions being part of standard C library, and other personal functions/lib (vector)

Primary LanguageC


First 42 project consists in creating functions being part of standard C library, and other personal functions/lib (vector).


$> git clone https://github.com/lilafallet/LIBFT_42.git

$> cd LIBFT_42

$> make

Part 1

  • ft_memset
  • ft_bzero
  • ft_memcpy
  • ft_memccpy
  • ft_memmove
  • ft_memchr
  • ft_memcmp
  • ft_strlen
  • ft_strdup
  • ft_strcpy
  • ft_strncpy
  • ft_strcat
  • ft_strncat
  • ft_strlcat
  • ft_strchr
  • ft_strrchr
  • ft_strstr
  • ft_strnstr
  • ft_strcmp
  • ft_strncmp
  • ft_atoi
  • ft_isalpha
  • ft_isdigit
  • ft_isalnum
  • ft_isascii
  • ft_isprint
  • ft_toupper
  • ft_tolower

Part 2

ft_substr Allocate (with malloc(3)) and return a substring from the string ’s’. The substring begins at index ’start’ and is of maximum size ’length’.
ft_strjoin Allocate (with malloc(3)) and return a new string, which is the result of the concatenation of ’s1’ and ’s2’.
ft_strtrim Allocate (with malloc(3)) and return a copy of ’s1’ with the characters specified in ’set’ removed from the beginning and the end of the string.
ft_split Allocate (with malloc(3)) and return a string's array obtained by splitting ’s’ using the character ’c’ as a delimiter. The array must be ended by a NULL pointer.
ft_itoa Allocate (with malloc(3)) and return a string representing the integer received as an argument. Negative numbers must be handled.
ft_strmapi Apply the function ’f’ to each character of the string ’s’ to create a new string (with malloc(3)) resulting from successive applications of ’f’.
ft_putchar_fd Output the character ’c’ to the given file descriptor.
ft_putstr_fd Output the string ’s’ to the given file descriptor.
ft_putendl_fd Output the string ’s’ to the given file descriptor, followed by a newline.
ft_putnbr_fd Output the integer ’n’ to the given file descriptor.

Bonus part

ft_lstnew Allocate (with malloc(3)) and return a new element. The variable ’content’ is initialized with the value of the parameter ’content’. The variable ’next’ is initialized to NULL.
ft_lstadd_front Add the element ’new’ at the beginning of the list.
ft_lstsize Count the number of elements in a list.
ft_lstlast Return the last element of a list.
ft_lstadd_back Add the element ’new’ at the end of a list.
ft_lstdelone Take an element as a parameter and free the memory of the element’s content using the function ’del’ given as a parameter and free the element. The memory of ’next’ must not be freed.
ft_lstclear Delete and free the given element and every successor of that element, using the function ’del’ and free(3). Finally, the pointer to the list must be set to NULL.
ft_lstiter Iterate the list ’lst’ and apply the function ’f’ to the content of each element.
ft_lstmapi Iterate the list ’lst’ and apply the function ’f’ to the content of each element. Create a new list resulting of the successive applications of the function ’f’. If needed the ’del’ function is used to delete the content of an element.


Return a line ending with a '\n' red from a file descriptor without knowing its size beforehand: repository of get_next_line


Reproduction of the printf's function : repository of ft_printf

Personal functions


ft_atoul Convert a string to an unsigned long
ft_int_to_char Convert integer type values into a character type values
ft_ltoa_base Convert a long into a string in the database
ft_ultoa_base Convert an unsigned long into a string in the database


ft_calloc Allocates a memory block by setting all its bytes to 0

Is something

ft_is_len_zero Return FALSE if the length of the string is 0, return the length of the string if the length of the string is different of zero
ft_iscomma Return TRUE if the character is a comma
ft_iswhitespace Return TRUE if the character is a space or a tabulation
ft_iswhitespacecomma Return TRUE if the character is a space or a tabulation or a comma
ft_iswhitespacedigit Return TRUE if the character is a space or a tabulation or a number


ft_abs Return the absolute value of a number
ft_bubblesort_minindex Return the index of the smallest number present in an array of numbers
ft_get_size_of_nb Return the length of a number
ft_lfpow Return the high value (double) at a given power


ft_memdel Take as parameter the address of a pointer whose pointed area must be freed with free(3), then the pointer is set to NULL.
ft_memdup Similar to strdup, it create a copy of an arbitrary memory area by allocating memory for the copy with malloc.
ft_memjoin_free Similar to strjoin, it create a string wich contains the assemble of dest and src of the chosen size of len_dest and len_src then duplicate it in the pointer destination


ft_putchar_fd Output the character ’c’
ft_putstr_fd Output the string ’s’
ft_putendl_fd Output the string ’s’, followed by a newline
ft_putnbr_fd Output the integer ’n’


ft_free_tab Free(3) all the strings present in a character string array
ft_strcdup Duplicate a string to a given character
ft_strcheck Apply a character test function into a string
ft_strclen Return the size of a string to a given character.
ft_strdel Take as parameter the address of a string that must be freed with free(3) and its pointer set to NULL
ft_strequ Lexicographically compare str1 and str2. If the two strings are equal, otherwise it will return FALSE
ft_striter Apply the function f to each character in the string passed as a parameter. Each character is passed by address to the function f in order to be modified if necessary
ft_strlcpy Copiy the string src in the string dest up to size - 1 and return the total length of the string they tried to create
ft_strndup Return a pointer to a new string which is a duplicate of the strings. Memory for the new string is obtained with malloc(3), and can be freed with free(3)
ft_strnequ Compare lexicographically str1 and str2 up to n characters maximum or a ’0’ has been found. If both strings are equal, the function return TRUE, otherwise it will return FALSE


A vector means a container of elements ordered and accessible by indices, which size is dynamic: it is updated automatically when elements are added or deleted. The functions that will follow are functions that can also be used with strings, but using vectors will make update easier and more efficient thanks to the t_vector structure:

  • the character chain: str
  • vector size: size
  • the size of the character chain: len
  • resize vector: resize
typedef struct	s_vector
	char		*str;
	size_t		size;
	size_t		len;
	size_t		resize;
}				t_vector;
vct_add Add a character at the end of the vector
vct_addcharat Replace a character to the given index
vct_addmem Copy len bytes from the memory zone src to the memory zone dest
vct_addstr Add a string at the end of the vector
vct_addstrat Add a string to the given index
vct_apply Apply a testing/modification function to a vector
vct_cat Concatenate two vectors
vct_cdup Duplicate a vector up to a given character
vct_chr Return the index of the first occurence of the desired character or FAILURE if the character has not been found
vct_chrstr Return TRUE if the desired string 'search' has be found on the vector's string, FALSE if the string 'search' has not be found
vct_clen Return the length of the vector's string up to a given character
vct_cpy Copy a vector's content into an other one
vct_cut Delete the last character of a vector
vct_cutfrom Delete the last nb_of_char of a vector
vct_del Delete a vector
vct_dup Duplicate a vector
vct_equ Return SUCCESS if the strings contained in the two vectors are identical, otherwise FALSE
vct_getcharat Return the nth character of a vector
vct_getfirstchar Return the first character of a vector
vct_getlen Return the length of the vector's string
vct_getstr Return a pointer to the string contained in a vector
vct_join Join the vectors's strings in a new vector
vct_joinfree Join the vectors's strings in a new vector and release one vector, the other vector or the two vectors
vct_new Initialize a new vector of the size passed as parameter. If the size is 0, the size will be reset to the value set by DEFAULT_VECTOR_SIZE
vct_nlen Return the size of the vector's string on a maximum n bytes
vct_pop Detele the first character of a vector
vct_popcut Delete the first nth 'start' character and the last nth 'end' character
vct_popfrom Delete the first nth characteres of a vector
vct_print Display a vector on 'len' byte
vct_print_fd Display a vector on 'len' byte on a given file descriptor.
vct_printendl Display a vector one 'len' byte and add a '\n'
vct_printendl_fd Display a vector one 'len' byte and add a '\n' on a given file descriptor
vct_push Add a character at the begining of a vector
vct_pushstr Add a string at the begining of a vector
vct_readline Read a line on a file descriptor and return the latter one into the vector's string given in the function's parameter
vct_resize Resize the vector in function of the given 'len_to_resize' parameter
vct_split Divide the character string contained in the vector via the characters present in 'str' and return to each call of 'split' the next part divided in a new vector as long as it is recalled with the same vector or NULL. If the initial vector changes, the division will be done on this new vector. The NO_SEP provides all the word but not the separator in a separate vector, the flag EACH_SEP flag provides each separator in a separate vector, the flag ALL_SEP provides all the separators that follow in the same vector, the flag WORD provides all the following words in the same vector.
vct_splitchr Divide the initial vector on the first occurrence of the character c (this one not included). The first part is returned in a new vector while the second is copied into the initial vector by overwriting the data initially present.
vct_strdup Return a copy of the vector's string