
PyPy-compatible htslib routines for SAM/BAM alignment files

Primary LanguagePython

A python reimplementation of htslib functions, making it compatible with pypy. Parsing and writing does not perform as well as its htslib counterparts. Limited documentation available, please see the readthedocs pages for pysam:


To install, use

pypy setup.py install

If you would like to install a local copy in /home rather than /usr space, use pypy setup.py install --prefix=$HOME/.local and update your $PYTHONPATH variable to include $HOME/.local/lib/pythonX.X/site-packages.

See pypy setup.py --help for further instructions.

original code is in python2.x

This modified version is in python 3.x.

If meet import error, just Copy the code in the sys.path