
This is an experimental micro-ROS app to use PlatformIO as an alternative to Arduino IDE in developing micro_ros_arduino based firmware on Teensy series boards. Here are a few motivations why:

  • Allow headless development since you don't need the Arduino IDE to program your firmware with PlatformIO.

  • Less setup required. PlatformIO automatically downloads micro_ros_arduino as a dependency, the first time you compile your code.

  • Provide a development template for PlatformIO users.


1. Installing ROS2 and micro-ROS in the host computer

Follow these instructions on micro-ROS' wiki on how to use Teensy with Arduino - Installing ROS 2 and micro-ROS in the host compute .

2. Install PlatformIO

You can check out the installation guide how to Install PlatformIO here.

3. UDEV Rule

Download the udev rules from Teensy's website:

wget https://www.pjrc.com/teensy/00-teensy.rules

and copy the file to /etc/udev/rules.d :

sudo cp 00-teensy.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/

4. Configure your Teensy Board

The default board used in this demo is Teensy 3.6 but you can uncomment the Teensy board you're using

board = teensy36

; [env:teensy35]
; board = teensy35

; [env:teensy36]
; board = teensy36

5. Upload the firmware

Upload the firmware by running:

cd micro_ros_platformio
pio run --target upload

Running the demo

1. Publisher

Run the micro-ROS agent to relay the data streaming from your microcontroller to your host computer through the Serial port:

ros2 run micro_ros_agent micro_ros_agent serial --dev /dev/ttyACM0

2. Subscriber

Now you can use ros2 topic tool to display the messages being published by the agent:

ros2 topic echo /micro_ros_arduino_node_publisher

Expected results


Troubleshooting Guide

  1. Nothing's displayed on ros2 topic echo.
  • Try unplugging your microcontroller after uploading the firmware and run the agent again.