👨💻 A simple, powerful and highly customisable Unix terminal emulator for React.
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typescript support?
#416 opened by 18601673727 - 5
Live demo leads to a 404 page
#1041 opened by garcia - 0
Live output.
#1106 opened by dotsinspace - 1
Is it possible to enter text in console manually from server without typing a command?
#961 opened by Iulian-Dragomirescu - 2
Duplicate welcomeMessage
#1092 opened by JaydenT-L - 1
Is it possible to simulate typing?
#911 opened by BasedXeno - 0
Add option to render spaces for stringified objects
#1104 opened by jbenjamink - 1
Make a maxOutput prop?
#1017 opened by BjornTheProgrammer - 0
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[object Object] when dangerMode={true}
#860 opened by paulatwilson - 2
Possibility of catch all command?
#790 opened by tomreitsma - 2
Support for confirmation lines?
#709 opened by jhtgiles - 1
Wrap input instead instead of horizontal scrolling
#944 opened by klugjo - 1
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pushToStdout function changes the state inplace
#904 opened by impulsgraw - 2
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Feature request: Command completion
#851 opened by Sebobo - 4
Dual Input & Output terminals
#829 opened by eniv - 6
"ReactHotLoader" occurrences in published package
#846 opened by Sebobo - 5
Newline parsing isn't working for me.
#632 opened by angarc - 2
Ability to change/update history item
#638 opened by jay-jlm - 2
Ability to mimic a read-only state
#639 opened by jay-jlm - 2
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passThroughCommand like prop
#672 opened by scovic - 10
Require errors
#39 opened by linuswillner - 3
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- 1
Can we make the response text colorful?
#518 opened by Nathaniel-Han - 4
feature request: promptLabel should allow jsx value
#210 opened by gaoryrt - 4
'\n' doesn't work in welcomeMessage
#519 opened by Nathaniel-Han - 2
TerminalMessage should not wrap message with a <p> tag
#505 opened by Fronix - 2
Execute command / echo programmatically from outside
#450 opened by micovi - 2
Cannot select text in contentArea
#414 opened by shantur - 1
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Cannot compile with `create-react-app`
#411 opened by shantur - 10
When commands function pointer changes, internal `commands` property is not changed
#35 opened by jvorcak - 1
How to sepecify maximum height of terminal window
#358 opened by kenkit - 7
Blue border when the input text gets the focus
#257 opened by Herve07h22 - 3
manualPushToStdout shouldn't be static
#37 opened by jvorcak - 4
IE11 support
#41 opened by jvorcak - 8
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