- 1
What’s the behavior if "--use_cuda" is used on one side of server/client, but not both.
#300 opened by dongkesi - 2
#298 opened by changchengx - 4
Comparison of GPUDirect ( GPU Memory)- NIC access vs Hop Memory GPU-> Host Memory -> NIC
#297 opened by alokprasad - 1
- 2
Multiple machines cannot generate json files
#236 opened by LLJJRR - 1
- 1
ib_read_bw is far less than 200Gb/s
#252 opened by wwj-2017-1117 - 3
how to use muti threads
#265 opened by cyluo0518 - 1
ib_write_bw Failed status 12
#295 opened by 819250193 - 2
- 10
couldn't allocate MR while test GDR with cuda.
#269 opened by derekwin - 4
ib_write_bw poor GPU performance buy CPU works fine
#241 opened by Yiltan - 0
Why are rate_limit, burst_size and other parameters designed under "Rate Limiter"?
#294 opened by yangrudan - 5
Testing ib_write_bw with --use_cuda and --use_cuda_dmabuf getting error "Couldn't allocate MR with error=93"
#280 opened by hassanbabaie - 1
why can not set rate_limit=65?
#291 opened by yangrudan - 2
- 2
-a --use_cuda segment error
#283 opened by yangrudan - 0
OFED - perftest - perftest_communication.c - rdma_write_keys and rdma_read_keys: Pointer to address bug
#287 opened by mobooya - 1
Query: Are these tools PFC/ECN capable
#284 opened by alessandro-deprato - 0
Licensing inconsistencies
#285 opened by LaurentChardon - 0
--use_cuda perftest segment err
#282 opened by yangrudan - 2
why exclude CUDA write lat test?
#276 opened by yangrudan - 3
A simple math in the reported number, the MsgRate and #iterations don't match
#273 opened by shenweihai1 - 1
Integer overflow issue
#247 opened by r-barnes - 1
How the immediate data is transfered?
#270 opened by Youpen-y - 0
- 1
ib_write_bw works fine without -R. But only very small bandwidth when using -R option
#240 opened by chgdragon2023 - 1
Test "ib_write_bw" is failing with "Completion with error at client" at client and "ethernet_read_keys: Couldn't read remote address" at server
#262 opened by manomugdha - 1
Error opening XRC Domain
#253 opened by yuxuan-hu - 0
timeout param not work, request retrans from 2ms
#251 opened by MCxiaofang - 0
Failed to disconnect RDMA CM connection with ib_write_lat test
#233 opened by Anumula-Murali-Mohan-Reddy - 3
what does "num_of_calculated_iters *=num_of_qps" mean in WRITE_BW(infinity) ?
#232 opened by ecjtusbs - 4
- 1
Compilation issue when HAVE_AES_XTS is not defined
#243 opened by castuardo - 0
Fix json format output
#216 opened by manuks88 - 1
ib_write_bw doesnt show BW peak
#234 opened by marcomontevechi1 - 2
UD is not supported in perftest?
#226 opened by WoShiAPei - 2
Question about ib_write_lat with CUDA
#231 opened by yzygitzh - 1
Question about BW and PPS?
#225 opened by ReyRen - 1
Using ib_write_bw as elephant flow in RoCEv2 and the result is not what I expected
#219 opened by RoyTien - 2
configure: error: pciutils header files not found, consider installing pciutils-devel
#207 opened by xie719040099 - 2
why set recv_sge_list start addr refer to buf start addr after post the recv wqes of tx-depth
#208 opened by smiceice - 3
- 1
Implementation bug with payload modification
#202 opened by ozawawi - 2
Question: why qp_access_flags is set to be IBV_ACCESS_REMOTE_WRITE without local write
#189 opened by changchengx - 7
cannot compile with CX7 and cuda12
#184 opened by hanyunfan - 1
How can I use multi sges in one WQE?
#181 opened by RyuGuo - 3
Syndrom 0x51
#173 opened by farhanma - 1
The value of DEF_TX_BW
#179 opened by zpchya - 1
IB delay is unstable
#172 opened by w7658610