Pinned issues
- 3
time synchronisation instructions for TOTP is not explicit. Troubleshooting guide?
#73 opened by tlaurion - 14
Add in place programmer's flashing "best practices" and refer to ch341a rev 1.6+
#120 opened by tlaurion - 9
- 0
Better document OEM supported Heads forks vs Heads rolling releases community support
#162 opened by tlaurion - 1
- 0
Refer to GitHub discussions in community page
#161 opened by tlaurion - 1
Review tpm recommandation
#155 opened by tlaurion - 8
- 0
Document CDC tethering support
#149 opened by tlaurion - 0
- 0
- 10
T530/w530 disassembling/flashing notes
#83 opened by tlaurion - 0
- 4
Strange FAQ answer: Why use ancient Thinkpads instead of modern Macbooks
#147 opened by jonathancross - 0
Notes on the instructions during the first configuration with a less technical eye.
#146 opened by Psotas - 0
Modify wiki to state that ExFat is now supported
#133 opened by tlaurion - 0
X230-maximized says it supports htop
#135 opened by tlaurion - 2
Write flashing guide for the T440p
#124 opened by rbreslow - 0
- 1
- 25
- 12
- 0 expired Feb 05 2023
#122 opened by tlaurion - 0
Blank TPM Reset Kernel Panic
#121 opened by lethedata - 2
- 2
- 3
- 6
- 6
Verifying Blobs (me, gbe, ifd)
#114 opened by newbieAtGithub - 4
Distrust the Infrastructure
#109 opened by newbieAtGithub - 4
- 3
Verifying Heads Before Compiling
#111 opened by newbieAtGithub - 2
Verifying Heads after Compiling
#112 opened by newbieAtGithub - 2
Verifying downloaded Circle CI artifacts
#113 opened by newbieAtGithub - 0
Update write protection docs after testing
#108 opened by tlaurion - 0
- 0
- 1
Notes on bumping kernels and coreboot to newer versions (or how to keep xx30-flash and legacy boards alive)
#89 opened by tlaurion - 0
Remove Chell traces in the wiki
#96 opened by tlaurion - 1
Modify misleading ACM doc section of the wiki
#95 opened by tlaurion - 2
- 1
Document CircleCI / Note on Heads buildsystem
#90 opened by tlaurion - 0
Reproducible builds introspection notes
#87 opened by tlaurion - 1
- 0
- 1
- 2
busybox is not reproducible
#74 opened by tlaurion - 3
dead links in wiki
#69 opened by cl445 - 3
- 0
illustrations to explain Heads structure
#64 opened by Thrilleratplay