
Package for DIGIT tactile sensor

Primary LanguagePython


This codebase allows you:

  • Collect image frames from DIGIT and annotate circles in each frame.
  • Save the annotated frame values into a csv file.
  • Train a baseline MLP model for RGB to Normal mapping.
  • Generate depth maps in real-time using a fast Poisson Solver.
  • Estimate 2D object pose using PCA and OpenCV built-in algorithms.

Currently, labeling circles is done manually for each sensor. It can take up to an hour for annotating 30 images.
This codebase has a script that will replace manual labeling and model training process up to 15 mins.(400% faster).
This project is set up in a way that makes it easier to create your own ROS packages later for processing tactile data in your applications.


Estimating object pose by fitting an ellipse (PCA and OpenCV):

Depth image point cloud :

Marker movement tracking ( useful for force direction and magnitude estimation):


  • Add a Pix2Pix model to generate depth maps from RGB images.
  • Add an LSTM model for predicting slip from collected video frames.
  • Add a baseline ResNet based model for estimating total normal force magnitude.


Change **gel height,gel width, mm_to_pix, base_img_path, sensor :serial_num ** values in rgb_to_normal.yaml file in config folder.

  • pip install .
  • cd scripts
    • python record.py : Press SPACEBAR to start recording.
    • python label_data.py : Press LEFTMOUSE to label center and RIGHTMOUSE to label circumference.
    • python create_image_dataset.py : Create a dataset of images and save it to a csv file.
    • python train_mlp.py : Train an MLP model for RGB to Normal mapping.

color2normal model will be saved to a separate folder "models" in the same directory as this file.

For ROS, you can use the following command to run the node:

python scripts/ros/depth_value_pub.py
python scripts/ros/digit_image_pub.py

depth_value_pub.py publishes the maximum depth (deformation) value for the entire image when object is pressed. Accuracy depends on your MLP-depth model. digit_image_pub.py publishes compressed RGB images from DIGIT.

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Feel free to post an issue and create PRs.