ICLR 2021: A Universal Representation Transformer Layer for Few-Shot Image Classification
- csqANDj
- D-X-YAugment ; ex Google DeepMind
- dgueraBarcelona, Catalonia
- digantamisra98@mila-iqia @landskape-ai
- DLwbm123Fudan University
- eugenelawrence
- fly51flyPRIS
- gognlin
- GuangxingHanGoogle DeepMind
- happinesslzHuazhong University of Science and Technology
- jfzhang95National University of Singapore
- kakashi-hatake-88Google
- kunzhanLanzhou University
- leeesangwonNAVER/LINE corp.
- liulu112601@mila-iqia
- Lmy0217MUSIC Lab@SZU
- lyming531
- milesgrayudu
- mrluinHIT
- naman-mehtaBangalore
- Open-DebinChinese Academy of Sciences(SIAT-CAS)
- Openning07Research Engineer @ 腾讯优图
- P-DX
- renwenshuang
- salorsmileBeijing, China
- shernshiouBasel, Switzerland
- SikaStarPeking University
- skrish13India
- StOnEGiggity
- Taoli96
- TsingularityGoogle DeepMind
- weleenHong Kong
- xingxjtu
- XrosLiang
- youtang1993Electronics and Information Technology, Sun Yat-sen University,
- zhangyahu1Northwestern University