RISC-V Spec Core

This project is a framework for formal verification/testing the consistency between a Chisel-designed RISC-V processor and the instruction set specification. Including a configurable RiscvCore as a reference model to represent the semantics of the RISC-V ISA document, as well as several Helper and Checker to connect the user's processor design with the reference model and set verification conditions.

Reference model support RV32/64IMC, Zicsr, MSU privilege level, virtual-momory system with Sv39.

Read more detailed Chinese README: 中文说明.

Table of Contents


Import dependency

To use riscv-spec-core as a managed dependency, add this in your build.sbt:

libraryDependencies += "cn.ac.ios.tis" %% "riscvspeccore" % "1.1-SNAPSHOT"

Then add verification code in your DUT as the following description. Or see the example.

Add Checker and Set Basic Instruction Information

Instantiation a checker, and set the supportted instruction set of reference module at the instruction commit level.

val rvConfig = RVConfig(64, "MCS", "A")
val checker = Module(new CheckerWithResult(checkMem = true)(rvConfig))

checker.io.instCommit.valid := XXX
checker.io.instCommit.inst  := XXX
checker.io.instCommit.pc    := XXX

ConnectCheckerResult.setChecker(checker)(XLEN, rvConfig)

General Register

val resultRegWire = Wire(Vec(32, UInt(XLEN.W)))
resultRegWire := rf
resultRegWire(0) := 0.U

CSR and Exception

// CSR
val resultCSRWire = rvspeccore.checker.ConnectCheckerResult.makeCSRSource()(64, rvConfig)
resultCSRWire.misa      := RegNext(misa)
resultCSRWire.mvendorid := XXX
resultCSRWire.marchid   := XXX
// ······
// exception
val resultEventWire = rvspeccore.checker.ConnectCheckerResult.makeEventSource()(64, rvConfig)
resultEventWire.valid := XXX
resultEventWire.intrNO := XXX
resultEventWire.cause := XXX
resultEventWire.exceptionPC := XXX
resultEventWire.exceptionInst := XXX
// ······


Get signals in TLB of DUT.

val resultTLBWire = rvspeccore.checker.ConnectCheckerResult.makeTLBSource(if(tlbname == "itlb") false else true)(64)
// memory access in TLB
resultTLBWire.read.valid := true.B
resultTLBWire.read.addr  := io.mem.req.bits.addr
resultTLBWire.read.data  := io.mem.resp.bits.rdata
resultTLBWire.read.level := (level-1.U)
// ······

Memory Access

Get the signal when DUT access memory.

val mem = rvspeccore.checker.ConnectCheckerResult.makeMemSource()(64)
when(backend.io.dmem.resp.fire) {
    // load or store complete
    when(isRead) {
        isRead       := false.B
        mem.read.valid := true.B
        mem.read.addr  := SignExt(addr, 64)
        mem.read.data  := backend.io.dmem.resp.bits.rdata
        mem.read.memWidth := width
    }.elsewhen(isWrite) {
        isWrite       := false.B
        mem.write.valid := true.B
        mem.write.addr  := SignExt(addr, 64)
        mem.write.data  := wdata
        mem.write.memWidth := width
        // pass addr wdata wmask
    }.otherwise {
        // assert(false.B)
        // may receive some acceptable error resp, but microstructure can handle

Verification Example

In this example of processor design, we modified the code to get a verifiable system with reference model. And then perform formal verification using BMC through ChiselTest.