- 0
- 1
Possible bug in equation (9)
#42 opened by rakhimovv - 2
- 0
DTU testing dataset
#40 opened by Shubhendu-Jena - 2
- 0
Custom scene rendering
#39 opened by Abhoir1 - 0
A question about color c
#38 opened by shenyehui - 6
- 9
Question for the rendering
#37 opened by SYSUykLin - 2
- 1
Question for the coordinate?
#35 opened by SYSUykLin - 1
- 2
DTU dataset, colmap depth for DTU training images and colmap depth for forward-facing scenes
#33 opened by xuyinxuyin - 2
- 3
Cannot download the pre-training model
#31 opened by racso10 - 1
How to apply multi-gpus training?
#29 opened by lifuguan - 1
- 0
#27 opened by yfq512 - 2
- 2
How to get the accuracy presented in Tab. 1?
#24 opened by csBob123 - 0
Is the pose of data world-to-camera parameter, or camera-to-world parameter?
#23 opened by EchoTHChen - 2
Why are inconsistent parameters set in general model config and fine-tune model config?
#22 opened by EchoTHChen - 2
What's the difference between configs/gen/neuray_gen_cost_volume.yaml and configs/train/gen/neuray_gen_cost_volume_train.yaml?
#21 opened by EchoTHChen - 3
- 1
Is the model corresponding to the results in Table 1 initialized with cost volume or depth?
#19 opened by caiyongqi - 2
- 1
what's the usage of "get_diff_feats" function?
#17 opened by zhiwenfan - 5
An error about inplace-abn
#3 opened by ZYY-666 - 1
finetuning on custom dataset?
#14 opened by mureva - 3
- 3
A question that loss values are all NaN
#7 opened by ZYY-666 - 1
- 1
is there a reason why run colmap patch_match_stereo for twice at colmap_scripts/ line 73
#8 opened by guijuzhejiang - 0
- 1
colmap image_undistorter
#12 opened by SSground - 3
ImportError: cannot import name 'select_working_views_by_overlap' from 'utils.view_select'
#11 opened by YuhsiHu - 1
Render with custom scenes
#10 opened by qhdqhd - 3
about depth using in
#4 opened by Fangkang515 - 2
A question about "depth_range"
#6 opened by ZYY-666 - 1
- 6
The date of release
#1 opened by derrick-xwp - 1
Can I ask you, what is your GCC version? I wonder if my inplace-abn compilation failed because of the GCC version?
#2 opened by ZYY-666